Monday, September 26, 2005

My new mode of transport

Yay, I'm finally crawling! I made all sorts of milestones this week - first sitting up on my own, then pulling to standing and finally crawling. It's more of a scoot - I use one knee and one foot, but at least I can get around!


  1. Hi Micah! Welcome to the Blogging world! My mommy blogs too!! She embarasses me by putting lots of pictures of me on there too...
    Things are good in Saskatoon! I am crawling now, like you & am starting to pull myself up on people & furniture & try to walk along it. I guess we are growing up hey?
    well, I hope I get to see you again soon - before we get too big!! Mommy says to say hi to your parents!!
    Lots of Love, Kamryn Anna.

  2. Micah I really like your new blog. Mom showed me your pictures on the computer today. We'll have to get together to play soon.
