Sunday, October 23, 2005

Mr. Sleepy-Pants

After supper tonight I was SO tired. I stayed out too late at a party last night and didn't nap much today, so I was POOPED! I'm usually too hyper to cuddle with mom & dad but I just didn't have any more energy to play tonight.

In fact, I was so sleepy that mom & dad decided to fore-go the regular bath and just change my diaper and pj's for bed. I couldn't even muster up the energy to open my eyes while they changed me...

And here I am, fully changed & still sleeping...

Sweet dreams everyone!


  1. Jack has a rough day too Micah! Partying is only for the grown ups.

  2. Hi you guys!!

    The pictures look absolutely beautiful and I am so glad I got to peek in on you guys!! The whole family is looking great:)
    Wow, time passes fast, I knew that your were expecting but obviously I haven't heard anything since that and so, congratulations:)

  3. I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » » »
