Monday, January 30, 2006

Got the Giggles?


  1. Hi Jaime,
    I'm going through the exact same thing! Ryken is usually up at 5:30, and wants to stay up. He has a good nap after, but once I'm up I can't go back to sleep. We're a little tired around here too.

  2. Micah, be nice to your mom! Jamie , how are you coping??? Jack sleeps till 9 usually. This morning he got up at 8 and I was shocked! Survior starts this week. Have you picked a winner yet??

  3. hi Micah, we miss you, and are having a fun time with granny here. granny is excited to come see you soon. love Kailyn and Joshua

  4. Hi Erik and Jaime!!
    I just wanted you guys to know I love popping by on the blog and looking at the beautiful pictures of your family! Micah is the spitting image of both of you!!

  5. What a great site » »
