Friday, January 13, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Well, apparently we're about to break some records for the amount of consecutive rain days we've had here in the Fraser Valley. On the news they said we've had something like 6 hours of total sunlight over the last 25 days or so. The backyard is like a giant soggy sponge and we're pretty much cooped up all day - everyday. The good news? We noticed that some of the trees are already budding and we even heard rumour that some tulips might be poking up. But right now we are missing the colder - but much sunnier - winter of the prairies.


  1. I didn't even notice it had rained for like 24 days straight, until they were mentioning we were going to break the record. I think they want to break the record...the sun will come back! Have a good day, Micah is so cute! Booshie!

  2. Hi Micah. you are a tired little boy. I can hardly wait to se you in February. Miss you lots, Love granny
