Monday, January 23, 2006

Sunday Afternoon

It has become a tradition that we Toews' all hang out as a family on Sunday. It starts with Sunday lunch and often ends up spanning for the whole day. Here we are yesterday hanging out at "Grandpa & Grandma"'s and also at the Apollo pool later in the afternoon.

Micah consistently provides great entertainment while we all relax.

Singing songs with Grandma.

With Uncle Doug & Auntie Elissa.

In the pool with mom.

Uncle Doug is weird.


  1. Great pics, Jaimie! Are you taking swimming lessons with Micah?
    To make collages, all you have to do is go to It's a site where you can create and edit your pictures. It's quick to download, and once you're on, it takes literally seconds to post pictures to your blog.
    Have fun!

  2. Hi there, those are cute pictures of you Micah. I love the one with you and mommy. we miss you, buddy, and granny can hardly wait to see you. And Jamie, we are hoping to call you tonight, around 6:30 nyour time, which is 9:30 here. love granny Hugs and kisses to you

  3. Hey Micah, you look like a little fish! We should all head to the pool this summer!

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