Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My First Haircut

Today I gave Micah his first real haircut. I've snipped at his hair before - just around his ears, etc., but today I gave him a trim all around. I was surprised how long his hair was already. I guess it was hard to tell since he's so blonde. I definitely think the new style makes him look more like a big boy. He was a very good "customer" - sitting still and quietly eating his snack the whole time I was cutting. I think he liked the sound of the scissors "snipping" around his head. Posted by Picasa


  1. Nice 'do' Micah. You look so grown up! I am going to need a hair cut soon too. Mom is dragging her feet though.


  2. nice hair Micah!! makes you look like such a big boy!

  3. Hard to believe your hair is growing so fast. Your a cutie pie. Can hardly wait to see you. love granny

  4. Nice haircut, Micah! Your mommy did a great job!

  5. Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP »
