Sunday, March 19, 2006

Do You Like My T-Shirt?

Yes, that's right! Micah's going to be a big brother! We are all very excited - well, Micah will be once he figures out what's going on! We found out the news only 2 weeks ago and things are going well so far at 6 weeks along! The morning sickness is starting to kick in, unfortunately, as well as the exhaustion and all the rest of it. But we praise God for the incredible blessing of this new life! Please pray for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby in mid-November!



  1. Congrats guys, we are so happy for you. Jamie I hope the morning sickness doesn't get too bad.

    Erin and family

  2. We are so blessed to be expecting another blessing from God ,ove mom

  3. congrats!! mom told me to check out the blog and that is the first thing I thought of, and I was right! they will have close birthdays!

  4. Congratulations you two! That is wonderful news. We'll be praying that everything goes smoothly.

  5. I'm so happy for you guys! I hope the morning sickness doesn't interfere too much with life, but we both know it's all worth it. I've been meaning to phone, so my next chunk of time not dedicated to sleeping I'll give you a ring. I love you guys - you've definitely been in my thoughts the past couple weeks. Talk to ya soon.

    - Erin (and Sadie)

  6. I'm so happy for you guys! I hope the morning sickness doesn't interfere too much with life, but we both know it's all worth it. I've been meaning to phone, so my next chunk of time not dedicated to sleeping I'll give you a ring. I love you guys - you've definitely been in my thoughts the past couple weeks. Talk to ya soon.

    - Erin (and Sadie)

  7. Congratulations Jamie and Erik,
    and Micah!
    All the best to you all.
    Love Auntie Martha

  8. i literally just screamed out loud!
    i am so excited & so in awe of God right now!
    we love all four of you so much & will be praying for you...lots & lots.
    Jamen-i'll e-mail you for details very soon!

  9. Congratulations!!!
    Micah, you will enjoy being a big brother, meanwhile, you'll need to give your Mommy lots of time to rest.
    Praying that it will be a healthy journey for you all.
    Love Auntie Hilda

  10. CONGRATS!! I've been waiting to hear this news!! Kailyn and Joshua are excited to be expecting a new cousin!! We will be praying lots for this little miracle.

  11. way to go, guys! that's awesome!
    after reading janelle's blog and now yours.... i want one!!

  12. Congratulations!!!!!!:) Very fun way to spread the news!!!!!

  13. Rachel and I were checking out your blog in Winnipeg, and we couldn't figure it out right away, and then I started yelling, "She's pregnant, she's pregnant!!!" Micah sure looks confused. Cool.

  14. Jamie and Erik, We are so happy for you. Thanks again for the good chat its always an encouragement. And I loved hearing Micah
    "talking" in the backgroud.
