Sunday, April 16, 2006

Good-bye Ponytails!

On Saturday I took the plunge and got my hair chopped! I know the cardinal rule is that you should never get your hair cut when you're pregnant - you'll usually just regret it later. But, I think that only applies to the third trimester when you're incredibly "whale-ish" and swollen, and you can't seem to get your hair to look good no matter what you do (you realize later it's because your face has puffed up to twice it's regular size)... So, I figured that since I'm only in my 1st trimester and still feeling rather normal and "un-puffy", it was safe to go for it. Besides, I've been thinking of doing it for a while now and with Nathan & Rosanna's wedding just around the corner, I was in need of an update. Thankfully my bed-head hasn't been too bad since I can't just pull it back in a ponytail anymore. Anyone need some extra hair elastics??


  1. LOVE the hair Jamie. I am currently resisting the urge to hack all mine off. I figure if the desire lasts for a while then do it! You may have inspired me (I have an appointment tomorrow)

  2. HI Micah,
    I want to thank you for the Easter picture . It came just before my birthday, which was on the 13th, so it delighted me twice.Tell Mommy that I like her short hair, but I loved her long hair. I have always been a sucker for long hair.
    Love and prayers,
    Auntie Bertha

  3. oh Jamie! i just love the hair - you look SOOO beautiful! i also am making an appt. to get my hair cut, though i'm doubting i'll be as brave as you...i'm just getting sick of it being tangled all the time & i need an excuse to NOT put it in a look MARVELOUS!

  4. Jaime it looks great! A change is always fun. ( not that I have ever chopped my hair, but I've thought about it,... does that count?)

  5. Your hair looks great! I think chopping hair is a summer thing to do, not necessarily a pregnant thing to do:)

  6. Your haircut looks fabulous, Jamie! It totally suits you! And, you're still looking awfully skinny!! (in a good way!) You look fantastic! Not like you're suffering from morning sickness at all!
    Love, Karen

  7. Way to go Jamie. I love it. I love short hair. it looks great!!! love mom, OH and Micah, you look great too. love granny

  8. I cut mine off too! I'll post a pic in a few days! Looks like you inspired me to hack away!


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