Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Spring Has Sprung!

Micah and I took the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful BC afternoon. It feels like summer's definitely on it's way! He loves exploring in the backyard and always complains when it's time to come back inside... Posted by Picasa


  1. That green grass is so beautiful. I'm very jealous. There's still a bit of really dirty snow here in Stoon and the grass is definitely not green yet. The joy of springtime in Saskatchewan - grass that is wet, dead and brown. By the way, congrats on the future addition to your lovely family!

  2. the kids want to come and play!

  3. Wow! Your grass is so green. Looks like spring has sprung there! We are not quite at that point yet here in Alberta, but it's sure nice to see what is just around the corner. Wish we could come over and play too!
    Love, Karen, Dan and Tyler

  4. i don't even think i can remember what green grass looks like!!!!

  5. Hi! guys! The weather looks beautiful there. It's getting really nice here, but we definitely don't have green grass. Maddy's signed up for baseball, so she's hoping for it to get started soon. I really enjoy looking at your pictures on Granny Harder's computer. Love you,
    Auntie Laura

  6. Green grass but so much stinkin rain!!! Hopefully we'll see sunshine soon!
