Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My Little Chef

Here's Micah watching Grandma make dessert on Sunday evening. Right now Micah's quite a "Mama's boy" but Grandma definitely plays a close second. When she's around, he's always content!

And here he is "helping" me make cookies the other day...


  1. That's so cute! Grandma is a very lucky lady. Sadie hasn't been quite so gracious with her grandparents lately. She loves to play with them as long as her mom and dad don't leave for too long. I'm sure she'll grow out of it soon . . .

  2. Micah, your grandma is a lucky lady, to be able to be such a big part of your life. I miss you cutie love granny

  3. Micah-- you need to come over to Auntie's house to bake some cookies for Uncle Doug! I promise to let you eat all the chocolate chips you want!!!

  4. Jamie - great pictures! Your little chef is the cutest!

  5. I am so thankful for the blog and just amazed at what you can do with these PC's. Micah is growing so big;hope your all in good health. God bless you real good, Hilda

  6. Happy Birthday Erik,
    We just found your blog for the first time thanks to Kerri.
    Have a great year ahead, and happy anniversary too !
    We celebrate our 25th on Tuesday, the fourth of July. Independence Day.
    Blessings and hugs to you.
    love Elaine

  7. Excellent, love it! »

  8. Where did you find it? Interesting read » »
