Friday, July 14, 2006

Baby's First Pictures!

Today I finally got the pictures from my ultrasound! I had the appointment over a month ago, but it wasn't until today that I finally got back into Langley to pick the pictures up.

Here is the first profile shot - not super clear, but you can kind of see the face and the hand.

This is definitely the best shot! The profile looks so detailed and you can even see the spinal cord. So, what do you think? Does that face look like it belongs to a boy or a girl?

This looks to be the back of the head. You can see the left ear as well as the left shoulder and arm coming over the head.

I think this is the top of the head with the one arm crossing over the face, but it's hard to tell.

Thanks Rosanna & Kirsten for accompanying me to Langley today :) We had a great afternoon that included Wendy's, Old Navy (75% off sale!!) and Costco. Check out Kirsten and Rosanna's blogs (just click on their names) for some fun pictures!


  1. oh Jamen! i love seeing ultrasound pics! i think it's a girl!! i really do! i can't believe you're having another baby! ahhhhh!!!!!

  2. Great pics Jamie. It's so exciting to see.

  3. Those are great pictures. I hear you can look on the internet to search various ultrasounds to determine what you are having. What do you think you are having?

  4. i have given up on guessing what people are going to have...because i'm never right. there are all these tips and tricks to tell what you're going to have, but i think those are old wives tales. hope you're feeling time you go shopping girlfriend, let me know...i've been dying to get to old navy...although we are pretty busy with the stinking berries...later...

  5. those pica are some of the best ultrasuond pics I have seen. too bed there weren't any leg pics and we could all share what we think it is. The side profile looks like Micah I think.

  6. it looks like a girl to me!! (with such a curved occipital(SP??) bone in the back of the head).... boys generally don't have such a curve on the back of their noggin. happy anniversary!

  7. Great pictures of the baby, Jamie. How exciting! I don't guess is a boy... partly because no one else has commented that you're having a boy yet and partly because that's the vibe I get. I guess we'll see come November. Can't wait!! Love, Karen

  8. Hey Jamie! I think it's a girl or a very good-looking boy! Either way I am sure you and Erik will love them just as much! Jon & I hope to start a family soon - he graduates in April '07 - and I wouldn't mind having a baby the next day! Blessings on you and your household!
    Crystal Tieszen (nee Dennis)
