Monday, July 24, 2006

Early Morning at Mill Lake

One of the luxuries of having my own car has been to expand our repertoire of places to go walking. My favourite is Mill Lake - a nice paved walking path all the way around a man-made lake in central Abbotsford with three different kid's parks. Usually it's a bustling place, but on Friday we went early to beat the heat and found things fairly quiet. I decided to capture some of God's creation on camera on such a beautiful morning.

Water lilies beside the bridge.

Mrs. duck (or as Micah would say: "kak, kak, kak..." )

A sea of lily pads.

And of course, the grand finale is always the park (a.k.a the "wheee!!")


  1. Beautiful pictures! The one with the duck is a beauty!

  2. Hi! I'm Wenona and I'm a friend of Patti's. I have checked your blog from time to time and have grown to love your little family. I just couldn't help but comment on those gorgeous pictures of water lilies. Those are one of the top flowers on my list. So unique. Thanks for sharing your lives with us.

  3. great pictures! i hope i haven't walked past you and not recognized you on any early walks. Taeya and I usually go around the lake anywhere from 8-9 in the morning. I suppose if we were walking in the same direction we wouldn't pass each other though!
