Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Uncle Nathan!

Thursday night we celebrated Nathan's 23rd birthday. And thanks to Rosanna, I have pictures to share! The Toews family and Rosanna's family got together for dessert and baseball at Mill Lake. Here's Nathan with his brand new birthday gift.

Some of the boys. From L-R: Rosanna's brother Dan, Uncle Doug, Erik & Micah and Cousin-Uncle Chris from Africa who's living in the house here for the summer.

Mommy sharing chocolate trifle with Micah.


Hard to believe Micah will be as tall as his Daddy someday!

Hanging out - That's me, Rosanna & Nate sitting together and Rosanna's dad, sister-in-law Lynn, & Micah in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jamie

    It's Erica. I am moving to Abbotsford to CBC in the fall. Maybe if you need a free babysitter sometime you could call me because I am taking ECE.
    Happy Summer - Congrats on being pregnant!
    Erica Froese
