Thursday, August 24, 2006


Erik convinced me to let him give Micah a buzz cut the other day. We were kind of thinking of letting his hair grow out for awhile, but it was just starting to look like a helmut of white fuzz on his head.
Here are a few pictures from the last couple of days - Micah enjoying some cream cheese icing and playing outside yesterday afternoon...

The view from up here...

I'm happy to report that my bladder/kidney issue seems to have resolved itself. I haven't had any more irritation or pain since Monday evening and I'm hoping that it won't return! I think that I may have passed a very small stone, but we shall see in a few months. Last they checked, I had 2 stones in my left kidney. I'm scheduled to have another kidney x-ray after the baby's born to check things out again so we'll see if there's one less in there!


  1. LOVE the buzz cut, although I'm sure Micah could pull off any type of haircut! If we ever have a son I'm sure he'll have a buzz cut too. Erik keeps his hair VERY short - never past 1/4" in the last couple of years.

  2. What a great angle...that picture of your belly is SUPER cute, Jamie! Makes me want a belly too....And, Micah is as cute as ever. Hair or not! Tyler won't be needing a hair cut for some time; he's still a little baldie!

  3. glad you are doing good sweets!
    and the haircut is SUPER cute! does that kid ever NOT wear the cutest clothes??

  4. it's great to hear you're feeling better jamie. i was just thinking of you yesterday when i played some fernando ortega...i remember when you were my r.a. and you played some of his music for us at one of our unit meetings. good memories :)

  5. Hey Jamie: Micah looks pretty cute with his hair buzzed, like such a little man, they grow up so fast!! I know I sound old, I feel like it a lot too! Anyway, just checking up on you, glad to hear you're feeling better too.

  6. It's good to hear you're feeling better james. Pregnancy has enough challenges on it's own w/o adding more to the mix. That's awesome this baby's so active - I remember feeling super sick and thinking when will this be over, and then I felt Sadie kick for the first time. There's nothing quite like it.
