Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Faithful Father

Micah and I have been fortunate these last couple of weeks to have Erik at home as he tries to set up his construction business -- of course, it's not so fortunate for the bank account, but we're hoping that will come in time :) There's been a lot of leg work to get things going - applying for a business number, deciding whether to become incorporated, meeting with accountants and financial planners and experienced residential contractors... It's been a little overwhelming to say the least.
Yesterday morning we were both feeling especially in-over-our-heads. Erik was told by a few people that he should become incorporated right away, but the corporation application was immense and intimidating and we didn't even know if we could provide all the information that they needed. He had a meeting to see our financial planner at 10 and we were both feeling discouraged. We spent some time praying together before he left, wondering if any of this was even possible anymore. I had a strong sense that we could continue trusting in God, but I didn't have a clue how things were going to work themselves out.
Erik called me an hour later to tell me that he was advised not to become incorporated at this time but to remain a Sole Proprieter. What a relief! The amount of paperwork, time and money that will save us is HUGE! There is still a lot of ground to cover before construction will begin, but it's amazing to see how God is opening doors and being faithful to us even as we step out into the unknown.
With a lot of the paperwork and meetings taken care of for the time being, Erik decided to head back to work today and Micah's been asking for him all morning! They had a lot of good Daddy-time over the last couple of weeks and I think Micah is slowly switching his allegiance from me to him. Here they are at Deception Pass last weekend. We took another day trip down there - this time with Doug & Elissa - and Micah didn't get an adequate nap on the way there. He was getting cranky at the beach but didn't want to snuggle with me - he was all about Daddy. Of course, he never did fall asleep, even though I knew he desperately needed to...

As for the big-boy bed, Micah's done very well the last few nights and I think his crib-sleeping days are over! This was a relatively pain-free transition and it makes me hopeful about how he will adjust to a new baby in a few months...


  1. oh i just love babies with their daddy's!! and i love seeing my guy friends grow into amazing fathers. how lucky are we girls to have the guys we do!!

  2. I can imagine that would be really stressful - glad he doesn't have to go through all that scary paperwork! After I spoke with Erik on Sunday, I am hoping he and Alf can meet this sunday. First, just so they can meet - Alf has not made many connections at church yet. And second, to discuss the possibility of Erik's expertise being involved in building our suite. who knows?

  3. These photos are beautiful. I love sepia. ( and the photo subjects are very charming too.) That's awesome you're setting up your own business - I hear there's a real shortage of contractors and trades people in Manitoba. . . it was worth a shot. But seriosly folks, that's very exciting, life-altering news. It's pretty much like this - I miss you guys like I miss the sun on a 40 below day. Lame, lame example, but you get the point. p.s. James, you were asking about my hair - there's a good chance that was sarcastic judging by the photo you were commenting on, but in any case I'll indulge myself by saying I've been cutting it myself lately. That's right Sadie, you're in for some killer bowl cuts when you're four years old. Bowl cuts and mint green.

  4. ps. i also figured out the lilypie ticker thing if you want me to try that again on your blog - just let me know :)

  5. Yeah, I feel so liberated not shelling out all that money to the salon, and I honestly think it looks just as good. Dying it is another story - I've had that go wrong at home enough times that I might have to break down soon and get it done soon. Yours is looking really good too. I've been meaning to ask your opinion on what type of baby food you recommend. There's an organic line I've come across at Safeway that costs twice as much, and I've also seen those food grinding machines where you can just mash up whatever you're eating for the baby. Any thoughts?

  6. hi again, i just introduced myself in the entry my former life (b4 mommyhood) i did some incorporations for businesses. it was a really shoddy place to work where i pretty much had to teach myself and do all the work for them. its actually quite easy if you can think methodically. down the road, if you two decide to incorporate, keep in mind that you can just buy an "incorporation" kit from probably Staples or another office store and just follow the steps. it will save you money for setup but will probably still need to be notorized (i'm not totally sure about that though, i dont quite remember...)

    amanda salmon

  7. Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »
