Monday, August 14, 2006

Portable Toddler

I was SO proud of Micah this weekend. We were invited out 2 nights in a row and I said "yes" even though Micah has never done well going to sleep at other people's houses. He has never really needed to learn since Erik's parents live upstairs and when we're with family he can always still sleep in his own bed. If we do go out, we usually have to head home when it's Micah's bedtime because getting him down in a strange place is futile. We've learned it's just easier to hang out at our place. But, I figured that he might be able to handle it now that he's transitioned to a regular bed. I was willing to give it a shot anyway.
Friday night we went to Nathan & Rosanna's place with Doug & Elissa and Todd & Brianne (friends from Calgary who just moved here). 8 pm rolled around and Micah was obviously tired. We got him all ready and put him down on their bed and he didn't make a peep! We even played a rousing game of Cranium and he slept perfectly fine in the next room.
Saturday night we were invited over by our friends Rocky & Melanie. Micah stayed up until about 9. We put him down on their bed and, once again, not a peep! I feel like this is the beginning of a new era! Add to that the fact that Micah rarely wakes up in the night anymore and is sleeping in until almost 7 every morning - I feel like we've finally "made it" ;) Of course, in 3 months we'll be starting all over again...

This morning Micah and I headed over to Mill Lake for a walk. The Abbotsford Air Show has been on the last few days and we had a good view of it from the park. Micah has been fascinated by all the big planes. We also took time to enjoy the blackberries that are starting to come out in full-force. I think Micah's found a new favourite food...


  1. Doesn't even the littlest accomplishment make you feel so proud?! Tyler has been making a HUGE fuss every time we leave him in the nursery at church and for the sake of the nursery workers, I usually take him back out again, but yesterday, I thought enough is enough, I'm going to leave him even if he screams. Well, sure enough, he did, but after only a few minutes, he was fine and did great the whole service! YAY! One step forward!
    Talk to you soon! Karen

  2. Hey Jamie!
    Just thought i'd drop you a've got a great blog going! It was so cool to see how psyched Craig and Jen were to see you really made there trip! And sorry we couldn't all get out to Cultus Lake together on Friday...would've been neat to see you guys! Anyway...take care and all the best with the rest of your pregnancy!

  3. way to go on the sleeping Micah!! how are Todd and Brianne? are they living there already. Email me there phone number if you have it.

  4. That's so exciting that Micah is going down for night wherever! Take advantage of your new party life now while you can!!!! I can't wait until we can safely say Hailey is sleeping through EVERY single night....she goes in spurts. She won't wake up for weeks and then suddenly she starts sleeping poorly again. You know what they say, blame it on teething!

  5. Jamie...after reading your blog and posting my comment, i stopped to actually think about what you had written and are talking about Todd Smith aren't you!? My hubby Jon was good friends with him at Bethany (he was actually the MC at Todd & Breanne's wedding) and I know Todd from way back when :) Would you be able to let me know where they are living now...we'd love to get in touch with them!
    Thanks Jamie!

  6. Way to go! Jack always freaks the first time he naps anywhere but after that he is good! It is so nice to be able to go out! You guys going to come Sunday?

  7. Your little boy is growing up. Enjoy these times because before you know it he will be going to school. :0)
