Tuesday, October 10, 2006

35 Week Update

Just wanted to leave a quick post about my pre-natal check-up today. First of all the doctor told me that he will be away in mid-November and is leaving on my due date! He really wants to be able to deliver me so he plans to strip my membranes a few days early if nothing else is happening. So, for those of you who guessed that baby will come early, your chances just got a little bit better! I don't look forward to having this procedure done as I've heard it can be quite uncomfortable. (I was supposed to have it done with Micah and then ended up going into labour the day before my appointment.)
The doctor also checked my cervix today and said it was quite soft and the baby's head was down pretty low already (YAY!) but I was only dilated a fingertip.
I'm hoping now more than ever that this baby will decide to come a little bit early as I really want to have my regular doctor doing the delivery. In a few weeks I'll have to start all the labour-inducing tricks: long walks, raspberry leaf tea, etc...


  1. I'm glad everything went well today! I hope too that your doctor gets to deliver the baby. Hope your feeling ok, I remember how long the days got toward the end...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. haha, tried all those labour inducing things...i heard that pineapple works too...so i ate a WHOLE one by myself...
    nope, no luck...i was still over 2 weeks late...
    but you seem to have a good track record...so try the pineapple, it tasted great! :)

  4. I've heard that your're not usually overdue on your second and third babies. By the way I've had three babies,but what is stripping your membranes mean. Joel loves it when I keep repeating it to him...stripping your sister Jamie's membranes...

    Love ya, and can not wait to see this little baby in December. I love looking on your blog and catching up on Micah.I feel like I hardly know him though! I hope I can spend a little time with him in December.

    Love Laura

  5. yikes- is it that time already? Time for the cervix checks? talks of stripping ones' membranes?? Uh oh. I have a great story of how castor oil can put you into labor if you are interested... (and then 50 some hours of contractions later......) I don't recommend it- but it worked! AHH! The race is on, Jammer!!

  6. Raspberry leaf tea helps??? Hummm

    I hope you get your wish and the baby comes early too. I know of one girl who took caster oil to make sure she had here baby before her Dr. went on holidays.

  7. Hopefully this one comes a little early. Aidan was born around 35 weeks but the others were at 37 weeks. I have heard not so good things about castor oil. it works but brings on a VERY intense painful labor.
    as for raspberry tea, I think I drank gallons of that stuff.

  8. Sarah G. seems to think caster oil is the way to go....but i've heard it's not the best thing for you...?

  9. Hey James: I hope that everything works out for you. I went into labour on my own with both boys but with Riley my contractions stopped so she tried the old membrane stripping/stretching but I don't think it did anything. They ended up inducing me and that was way better anyway. I was in the same situation with my doctor going to be going on holidays, etc. But luckily Riley came on the Wed. before she was gone on Friday I think. There is something comforting about having your doctor do the delivery. I will pray that you are able to deliver with your doctor there and that everything goes well. Things are still crazy here but if all works out today I believe we will accept an offer this afternoon on our house!!! Take care and hang in there.

  10. DON'T DO THE CASTOR OIL!!!! NOT RECOMMENDED. TAKE IT FROM ME- FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE.... I DON'T CARE HOW DESPERATE YOU ARE TO HAVE HER (or him?????? I automatically typed 'her'- must be the psycic in me)- DON'T DO IT!! Stick to the walking and membrane stripping, etc. Castor oil makes for looong painful contractions before you really want to suffer from them... oh the joys.

  11. 35 weeks! Is that possible! Wow Jamie, it is getting so close. I think it is probably because I don't see you very often that the time just seems to fly. I of couse have no first hand knowledge, but I have watched the stripping of the membranes. It did appear to be quite painful. Yikes! So excited for you, though. I pray that your doctor will be there for your delivery!

  12. Wow! 35 weeks already?!? Good luck with the remaining weeks, however many there are. Can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl!

  13. I had my membranes stripped as well w/ my 1st baby. I was worried it hurt... but it didnt really. It wasnt any more uncomfortable than a paps test.
    and it did work. I had it done in the afternoon... like 3PM
    By 11PM I was in labor.

    So most likely yours will work.

  14. Since I was 3 weeks early I have no tips for you ;-) Hope these last few weeks of pregnancy are enjoyable and that you can get everything ready for you new little one. We'll be praying for a easy delivery.
