Monday, October 30, 2006

The Elephant Boy

Here's a little preview of Micah in his elephant costume. It was a Value Village special and it fits him perfectly! We've had it for over a month already and Micah LOVES wearing it around the house. He will get to wear it tomorrow night when our care group has their "Pumpkin Party" at the church. This morning he was having fun showing off for the camera...


  1. Friendly costumes like that are the best! He makes an adrorable elephant!!

  2. What a cute elephant!!
    Maddy and Olivia were elephants once. I made and elephant costume for Maddy's 1st birthday/halloween, and because i spent such a rediculous amount of time on it, everyone I know who is one has to wear it. This year Shawna's little girl Acacia gets to be the elephant whether she likes it or not.
    This year Maddy and Olivia are going as the stages of larvae: Olivia the caterpiller and Maddy the butterfly. I tried to convince Acacia to go as the pupea, but it didn't go over.
    Love ya,

  3. Micah, you are just too cute! Love the costume.

  4. Tyler is a monkey this year! I'll have to remember to take digital pictures of him tomorrow and post them on the blog!
    What a cutie!

  5. Cute cute cute! I have no idea if we'll be able to get J into his costume tomorrow - but I will try because I want candy (okay bad attutude but hey they are giving it away!) Even I have to dress up tomorrow for work - we're all going 80's. Hope you have a good night.

  6. SO CUTE!!!!
    If you come to Mom's group tomorrow, we're putting kids in their costumes. I know Taeya and Lola will be in theirs!

  7. Cute! and it looks warm :-)
