Monday, October 23, 2006

False Alarm

Well, no baby yet, but yesterday morning I was wondering if he or she was on the way. I woke up at about 3 am again with an unsettled stomach, cramping and back pain. I was getting frequent braxton hicks contractions and after throwing up a couple of times, they got even worse. Erik was awake by then and we weren't sure what to think - was this the beginning of labour?? At 4 am we were tidying up the house and I was getting my hospital bag together just in case. Finally Erik called the hospital and talked to a nurse in labour and delivery. She said she thought it was probably the flu and that I should stay home unless my contractions became consistent and painful - they were very consistent, coming every 3 minutes or so, but not really painful like the early labour contractions I remember. She did say that often vomiting and diarrhea from the flu can induce labour since the uterus becomes inflamed (hence all the braxton hicks I was getting) and she also warned us to watch for signs of dehydration.
There was some initial disappointment that this wasn't really "it", but then Erik started feeling a little funny too and an hour later we both felt so awful that we were praying that I wouldn't go into labour. I can't imagine feeling the way I did yesterday and labouring on top of that! My belly was SO sore from all the throwing up and all the contractions in between. So, Erik and I spent the whole day crashed on the couches and taking turns in the bathroom. Thankfully Micah was well-occupied by his Grandparents and Aunts & Uncles upstairs. This morning Erik and I both said we didn't know how we could've handled a day like that without family to help out!
We're still not feeling quite up to par this morning, but it's a vast improvement from yesterday. My belly still is quite sore this morning but the contractions seem to be finally slowing down. The baby doesn't seem to have suffered too much from my illness as I'm feeling lots of kicks and wiggles this morning. Today marks 37 weeks so I am officially full-term! Tomorrow is my next doctor's appointment so we'll see what he has to say about everything...


  1. I hope you all feel bettter soon - I can't imagine trying to have a baby while being sick. We'll be praying.

  2. oh my goodness! that would not be fun! i hope you both fully recover quickly, and before the baby comes!

  3. oh sweets - i'm so sorry you guys are feeling so yucky! and yes, family is such a blessing when you are feeling like that! i'm sure Micah had a blast with them!
    i'll be praying for you - that the baby stays in until you feel up to it...and same with Erik.
    just think - you got to spend a whole day together with him! how romantic! :)

  4. Hey Jamie-hope you guys are feeling better soon! The flu sure is nasty hey...I've kind of been fighting something lately too...hopefully I can ward it off.
    I'll be praying you have the baby when you're feeling physically ready :)...or as ready as one can be ;)

  5. Oh how terrible. I'll pray that this flu is only 24 hours (although 24 hours seems like forever)- it is a whole new ball game throwing up with a large baby in your belly (I had it a month or so ago). Recover- but get that baby out soon!!! Lucky you to have family so close by!! Congrats on the "full term"! Wow- already?!?!?!

  6. Man, pregnancy and nausea are no fun. That sucks you've got the flu - sounds like the worst of its over at least. I check your blog regularly for any news - I'm so excited and curious to meet this baby! Soon and very soon!

  7. How awful! I hope you guys are all back to full health and strength quickly! Let's not make labor and delivery any more painful than it already is!!

  8. well Jamie, I hope your feeling better. I better quit coming to see you. everytime Ileave you guys have the flu. Must be that Manitoba air we bring with us or osmething. I pray you will go to your due date. Better for the baby. we're getting quite excited to welcome another girl to our fmaily. that will mean the girls are tied with the boys love mom

  9. I hope you are feeling better Jamie - it's no fun being sick on a good day, nevermind at 9 months pregnant!

    Hang in there....all the best as you wait out the last few days before becoming a family of 4!! Exciting stuff - it's been fun following your pregnancy through your blog. You have such a sweet family.

  10. yikes..
    Hope you feel better
    I hate throwing up!
    You could go at anytime though being 37 weeks. I wouldnt be surprised if it happened next week with so many braxton contractions.

    Ive had many already... I never really had any with my 1st. Not until the actual labor.

  11. very interesting to read your entry today! (i was on kelly's blog and saw your comment there). anyway, i was also feeling naseous today and i'm 37 weeks tomorrow (oct 25), i guess we are due 2 days apart.

    my first was 2 days late so i have no idea when this one might come. i was dehydrated one time during my first pregnancy and had to go on iv in the hospital (i hate iv's) so i hope you can manage to drink lots and stay hydrated to cut down on the painful braxton hicks (mine would not soften ALL day and thats how i knew something was wrong). i hope i dont get the flu too...anyway, i'm excited to hear your story when it all goes down! get better soon :D


  12. Wow Jamie! I am catching up on your week, and it sounds so busy! So sorry you have been sick. I am praying for you and Erik and Micah, and also this new babe! I hope the day is sooner rather than later! But regardless, two weeks! That seems unbelievable. Can't wait to meet your new baby.
