Monday, October 02, 2006

Sleepy Monday

We didn't get a very good sleep around here last night - both of my babies kept me up during the night. For some reason, Micah decided to wake up and come into our room over and over again. We've learned that having him sleep in our bed makes for a bad sleep for everyone, so Erik and I were both getting up repeatedly to put him back in his own bed. The funny part is that he wasn't crying or upset, he would just quietly come up to our bed and stand there until we would carry him back. He'd happily curl up on his own bed only to crawl out again a little while later. I wondered if he was even fully awake. This went on for a couple of hours, to the point where I was lying wide awake jumping at every little sound, thinking it was Micah again - I have to admit, it was a little scary waiting in the dark for a little person to walk silently in the room and suddenly be right beside my head!
When it finally seemed as though he settled down and fell asleep for good, I still couldn't sleep. The baby wasn't moving all that much, but it's just SO hard to find a comfortable sleeping position these days. Especially with my awful heartburn! I had heartburn with Micah, but this time it's been stepped up a few notches - to the point where Tums aren't doing the trick anymore. I may need to find another solution if I want to get any sleep...
Anyway, so Erik slept through his alarm this morning and got to work late. Thankfully Micah and I slept until about 7:45, and we both got a long afternoon nap! Micah also seems to have a case of diarrhea (along with every other kid at church, apparently) so this may be contributing to his strange sleeping habits...

Our weekend was a good one - Erik's Grandpa & Grandma T were visiting from Saskatoon and Micah learned to call them "Oma & Opa" :) We even enjoyed a Thanksgiving feast a week early with the whole family! This coming weekend we're looking forward to my parents visiting from Manitoba for a week. They'll get here just in time for my birthday so that will be fun!

Thanks to all who have posted their guesses for baby's gender, weight and birthdate! So far the tally is 12 girl votes and 9 boy votes with the weight averaging around 7 or 8 lbs. Many of you thought baby would come a day or more early and nobody guessed the baby to come any later than the 16th (THANK YOU!!). Some of you asked if there is a prize - I will have to do some thinking about that. Perhaps if one of you is uncannily right with all three parts of the guess... ;)
If you haven't voted yet, make sure you do - just scroll down the page to my last post.


  1. I thought your birthday was last weekend - do i have it written down wrong?? Just when I think I am getting my act together ;-) I hope you have fun with your parents - I'll see you Thursday - around 1145-1200 if that still works.

  2. Forgot to add - try Gaviscon(spell??) It is a bit nasty as the pills foam in your mouth but they work better than tums.

  3. yucky heartburn!!!! My heartburn seem to get worse with every pregnancy. I only had it once with Aidan and with Liam, it seemed I would drink water and get it. Gaviscon does work good yet I kept gaggin when taking them. some people say heartburn is worse with a girl, but my vote still is on boy

  4. I feel for you!! I remember the heartburn MUCH too clearly....don't know if I am ready for the intensity of it in the later months yet! Yikes!!

    Here is my baby prediction:
    Nov 16
    8lbs 2oz

  5. i SO don't miss heartburn!
    Sad that Micah's got diarrhea...Taeya does too, a bit. But my doctor wants to test a sample in case it's something other than just teething...guess we'll find out soon enough!

  6. Hey Jamie! I have to admit that your talk of Tums made me laugh a bit because Craig still, to this day, jokes about how Erik would chug Pepto, back in the day :) And you munch Tums...i thought that was cute! Anyway..thought i'd give my predictions seeing as I have recently become an aunt :)
    I predict:
    Nov 11
    6lbs. 10oz.
    19" long
    Have a great day..and hope the heartburn fades soon! :)

  7. i came to this site thru kelly ens...when is your actual due date? i'm due nov 15 and am definitely going through the same issues: heartburn, tums, a toddler that doesnt always sleep thru the night and difficulty getting comfortable! but its pretty exciting to be welcoming a new little one into the family soon!

    take care & God bless. hope you have a good nights rest.

  8. Hi Jamie - it's Saturday morning does 27 feel for YOU???? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :) i hope you have a wonderful day!
    see you tomorrow at church!
