Monday, February 05, 2007

Weekend Project

This weekend Erik and I tackled a project that I've been wanting to do for a couple of months now - paint Keziah's bedroom! What other colour would be perfect for a little girl's room than PINK! Erik did all the work while I made sure the kids were happy and Micah stayed out of his way. Micah did get to help Daddy a little bit though :)

Here is the finished product. The pink is pretty dramatic actually but I wanted a warm pink rather than a cool pale pink. I think the room looks girly but also fun. I'd still like to hang up some things on the walls to finish it off. I'm not sure how well the bumper pads go with this new wall-colour (they worked better in Micah's room) but maybe I could cover them in a different fabric...

Me & Keziah in her new pink bedroom!

Yesterday we tried to get a good picture of me and the kids -- easier said that done!! This one turned out pretty good...

Well, Micah is hanging on my arms as I type, so I'd better go play with him for a little bit before naptime!


  1. What a beautiful pink!!!

  2. The room looks great! You're looking good too for just having a baby!-Rebekah

  3. I love the pink room. When Taylor and I first moved back home her room was upstairs, and my mom had painted it pink a few years ago...well, when we moved back all of our rooms were I ended up painting her downstairs bedroom all pink too...up until about a month ago (when my mom finally was able to paint the upstairs one) we had 2 pink rooms in our house! Hers is more of a pale pink, but I really almost like your pink better! I'm sure Keziah will love it also!!! Also, I love the pic of you and the kids, you look super good for just having had a baby!

  4. that pink looks just like Cassidy's. I remember after the first coat wondering if the brightness would make her sick! But she LOVES it. I would just cover up the bumpers. When I made Cassidy's room, I actually bought a pair of pink bumpers at walmart and added them to the green bedding. (they were like $10 too, cheaper then material) I then sewed a pink trim on the crib ruffle and it all matched.
    You should check value village out, they might have some basic bumpers as well. I just thought of this cauze I was there today and amazed at the amount of cute bedding.

  5. I love the pink - and i don't think the bumper pads look bad with it... just ads more color to the room!!!! i also love your change table/dresser - what a fabulous color!!!

  6. Hi Jamie, The room looks great. i love the color pink. So girly. i like the pictures of you and the kids. Very Cute

  7. The room looks great! And, I love the picture of you and Keziah!

  8. i agree.... i love the pink. especially with the blue changetable!

  9. how adorable...perfect room for a princess.

  10. I love the picture of you and Keziah. It is beautiful! Loving the pink room as well. Way to go.

  11. i grew up in a pink bedroom...i like the color of the change table...

  12. Her room looks AMAZING!!! You guys did a great job! The pink looks so do the pictures of you & the kids! And if you need any help with the "finishing touches" or new fabrics, just let me know! I've definitely got the connections with the work I do :)
    Hope you had a great day!

  13. PS: You look like a model in your new profile picture! You're gorgeous Jamie!! :)

  14. i think it is a room any girl would love, I love pink!! the picture of you with your kids is great too. But they are hard to capture aren't they? I can not help snooping on your blog now. You are one of the only on Kelly list that i spy on. Lurk you later!

  15. Love the room. its so pretty! I wish we could paint... I cant wait until the day we have our own house. Im an artsy person so not being able to decorate like I want to is so hard.

    And yes its very difficult to capture good pics with both kids :-D They look cute either way t hough! and in that pic they look very similar!!

  16. That pink is perfect!! I agree with Bonnie - your new profile pic is awesome!!

  17. I love it! Now I wanna repaint MY room!

  18. love it! so fabulously girly! :) great pictures. I think keziah looks like micah in that last picture. Must be the eyes...

  19. i LOVE the pink! If we have a girl, I'm definitly going all out with the girly girl stuff!

  20. i love the pink walls too and the blue change table looks great too. we painted two walls this week in our living room and now we have the painting bug. derek says we should buy one can of paint a week and just work away at each room. fun!
