Thursday, March 22, 2007

4 months

Wow - can Keziah really be 4 months old already? I know everyone says how kids grow up so fast but I think we must be in warp-speed mode here...

Keziah is definitely growing but I'm not sure what her exact weight is. We go for her check-up next week so we'll get an exact number then. She's wearing 6 month clothes already and today I put her in her first size 3 diaper! How can my 4-month-old be wearing size 3 and my 2-year-old be wearing only size 4?? Crazy.

At about 3 and a half months I felt like we hit our stride. She has a much more definite schedule during the day and can stay awake for longer periods. She nurses every 3-4 hours during the day and has about 4 naps. I've been able to coordinate it on most days to get both her and Micah down at the same time in the afternoon for a longer nap which means a break for me too! It's getting much easier to get her to go down to sleep. Usually I can just wrap her up, give her a soother and put her in her crib with a blankie over her face and she's out. Sometimes I need to walk with her a bit, but she doesn't scream and fight her sleep like she did a month ago.

Keziah and Micah both go down for the night around 8:30 pm. I've considered keeping Keziah up later, but Erik and I NEED that evening time without kids! I wish I could tell you Keziah was sleeping through the night like she was at 1 or 2 months, but we seem to be stuck in a rut of max. 5-hour stretches at night. So, I'm usually up to feed her twice in the night. Part of me has just resigned to it since she goes right back to sleep after she's fed and I can be back in bed usually within 10-15 minutes of getting up. But since I only go to bed at about 10:30 I'm never getting more than a 3-hour stretch of sleep for myself... I'm trying to decrease the amount of time I feed her during that 1:30 am feed and hopefully her body will learn to no longer need it :)

We haven't started any solids yet but the day is coming! I originally planned to hold off a bit longer than 4 months since she seemed to be sleeping so well, but now that she's sleeping less at night I'm more inclined to stuff that little belly! I've got the rice cereal ready and waiting in my cupboard so I'll probably give it a try in the next couple of weeks. I've been trying to get her to drink formula so that I can go out without her and not have to pump breastmilk. But so far she has refused. She's not completely accustomed to the bottle yet either so I guess we've got to take things one step at a time. Any advice with this would be welcome since Micah seemed to take it a lot easier...

As for physical achievements, Keziah still isn't rolling over but she does have pretty good head control and loves sitting in the bumbo. I put it up on the counter when I'm cooking or on the table when we're having supper and she's so content to be sitting up and watching everything. She hasn't given us too many more giggles, but she is generous with her smiles (at least for Erik and I).

We love you Keziah!


  1. I love the pic of her on her tummy. that ones so cute.. seeing her rolls. Shes beautiful!

  2. FABULOUS pictures! I can't believe she's four months already!
    i love that onesie - Taeya has the same one!
    I guess if you want her to get used to a bottle, you'll probably have to pump for the first several times to introduce the bottle, THEN switch over to formula. HOpe that works for you!

  3. Happy 4th month Keziah!! She is getting so big. What a great bunch of photos. She is adorable.

  4. Your children are beautiful Jamie!! Keziah is an absolute doll! And I still think you should seriously consider have a gift!!

  5. What a sweet heart. Jake loved the photos!! He jumped up and down laughing "Babe-eeeeeeee!!" Such a cutie. I am sorry that I didn't have a chance to get together when I was in Vancouver... It was such a gross day we decided to head straight home. I started Livi on Solids a little over a week ago- not so consistantly- but it didn't seem like my little one could be old enough!!! Where did time go?? I have a feeling she is going to grow up even faster than the first.... :(

  6. Hi Jamie,

    Your kids are super cute! I enjoy reading your blog, your kids are so close in age with ours. Anyhow I wanted to let you know we had the same problems with the bottle with Ava(7mths). As soon as I started her on cereal she took formula really well. Before that she would just play around with the bottle and not really drink anything. I also switched bottles and that made a huge difference. I first tryed avent(same brand as my pump), then playtex and finally gerber with the small nipples. She really liked the gerber, I think because it was so different from nursing. I haven't had a problem since and she is still nursing really well. Anyhow, hope this helps and encourages you to keep trying so that you can gain some much needed breaks!


  7. Nice update Jamie! James goes for his 4 month needles April 5, so he'll get weighed then too. We'll have to compare! He is still in size 2 diapers - but he has the tiniest little waist and bum! I love all the pics of Keziah, she is a beauty. I'd love to see our kids play together sometime - seeing as they are just a day apart.
