Monday, April 09, 2007


In my last post, I alluded to the AMAZING weather we had here over the Easter weekend. On Friday morning we went to the Good Friday service at our church and then went to the park for a picnic. It was so warm that I had to sit in the shade to avoid getting a sunburn.

Here's Micah enjoying the playground...

Last night we had some more family time with a delicious Easter supper and a little Easter egg hunt for Micah. He was quite pleased with his bounty :)

Keziah in her Easter dress - It's been in our closet for awhile (and I think she's worn it before) but it seemed to suit the occasion! I used to think these little baby headbands were kind of silly but when I tried it on her I couldn't help but think it was adorable...

A few family photos in the backyard...

Last night after supper Elissa brought in some clothes she was getting rid of. After we picked through them, we decided to have a little fun with the leftovers. It all started with convincing Erik to put on this pretty little pink number and soon enough he was wearing about 10 layers of her clothes.

Nathan kept chanting "one more, one more!" and decided to help Erik with this last sweater. Erik couldn't resist topping it off by changing into an old pair of Elissa's jeans...
Can you tell it was getting late?


  1. Jamie,
    You always have such BEAUTIFUL pictures of your kids!! Seriously. That first one of Micah is gorgeous. Worthy of a frame. Love it.

  2. Sure looks like you had a fun night with your family - Eric is obviously a good sport!!! I think the headband is sweet. The first pic of Micah should be framed, what a handsome little fella you have!

  3. Very jealous of the weather:)
    Your kids just keep getting cuter and cuter, I love the headbands!
    You have to get creative with such a cute bald head!

  4. Love the family pictures! They look great!! Won't even comment on the pictures of Eric & Nathan, lol!!

  5. I'm sure you guys peed your pants laughing at Erik! That's the goofiness of the "Toews boys" that I remember!! It seems as if things haven't changed!! All in all, a great Easter weekend!!

  6. awe you all look great! I love your choppy hair cut, adorable.

  7. HAHA Jaime, that was me! :-) I was under Travis' name.

  8. GREAT pictures! don't know what to say!

  9. Cyndy - I'm afraid I can't take the credit for that first pic since Erik's dad took it with his camera. It IS a good one though :)

    Travis, I mean Drea - Thanks for clarifying because you had me wondering! Especially since it was a comment about my hair cut :)

  10. i think that is one of my favorite pictures of Micah!!! seriously - i've never seen a bad-looking Toews!!
    well, maybe except Erik in that hot pink number... yikes.

  11. That is an awesome pic of Micah!

    Your necklace is it! The family pictures turned out great too!

    I'm impressed he fit into her jeans!!

  12. i love the family pictures. You have such a god looking family. Glad you had a good weekend.

  13. Great pictures!! The ones of Erik "as Elissa" were very funny :) Looks like you guys had a fun weekend!
    By the way, you're looking great! Did you get your hair cut recently?

  14. What a great looking family you have!! It's so neat how Micah & Keziah look's easy to see that they "belong" to you!!

  15. At least someone can fit into my clothes! Lookin good Erik!

  16. Jamie, I love the pictures of you guys outside in the yard! I remember thinking baby headbands were kind of silly with Taylor also, but then I put one on her and loved them too! Erik looks hilarious, too, by the way!!!
