Thursday, April 26, 2007

"That's my sister!"

Last night we had a long overdue visit with Alf, Kelly & Taeya. We planned to have the girls wearing their matching shirts so we could get a picture. Taeya & Keziah are exactly 6 months apart, but in this picture they look about the same size!

Taeya did pretty well doing her army-crawl across our slippery floors...

Keziah is starting to give us a few little giggles here and there but I have yet to see a gut-wrenching fit of giggles from her. But Erik claims he had her going pretty good the other night when I went out to run some errands. I'm not sure I believe him :) Here he was trying to recreate it and, of course, Keziah was stale-faced!

I FINALLY decided on a baby-carrier. After a long time debating about what I wanted and then spending a few weeks with both a mei tai and a sling on loan, I finally decided on this Baby Hawk mei tai from Coastal Sling Baby Carriers. It's so pretty for one thing and very comfortable. Not as simple to operate as the sling but I'm getting the hang of it. Keziah seems a little small to stick her legs out of the side yet so I crossed her legs and tucked them inside and she seemed very comfortable.

Keziah smiling at her cute little self in the mirror - a small glimpse of all the primping to come in future years??

Today at playgroup I noticed that I could let her sit unassisted for a few seconds. Up until now she's been too floppy, but her core must be getting stronger.
Another phenomenon at playgroup today was Micah's sudden protectiveness of his sister. This came out of nowhere! He was concerned for Keziah several times when other kids would get too close to her or start touching her. He even said to one little girl, "that's my sister!"

Well I'm off to try to have a little nap while the kids are both sleeping. Even though I've been able to get Keziah to consistently go from 10:30 pm to 7:30 am without eating, she still wakes up frequently in between for her soother. Last night I'm sure I was up every hour stuffing that thing in her mouth. Kelly and I were talking last night about weaning our girls from their soothers already and after such a restless sleep last night, I'm feeling even more compelled. Perhaps I'm better off doing it now than having a repeat of Micah's soother-weaning escapades...


  1. that baby carrier looks so cool. i love it!

  2. Hi Jamie, I found your blog through Kelly's and I've been lurking for awhile. I'm just curious, what made you choose the Mai Tai over the sling? More comfortable/Keziah liked it better, etc.? I like the idea of these baby carriers, but I have no idea how I'd decide which style when I have kids!

  3. The pcitures are great!! I love the one of you and Keziah. The sling is really nice.

  4. Katrina - It WAS really tough to decide! I think if I would've bought it a few months earlier I would've gone with the sling because that's what I needed at the moment - something quick that I could stick baby in around the house when she was fussy and I needed to get things done! But now that she's approaching 6 months I was thinking more long term. The mei tai is something that is one-size-fits-all so my husband could wear it and I could also borrow it out to others (whereas the sling is tailored for only you). The price was a consideration since the mei tais were double what the slings were - but I was able to get a really good used mei tai for a discounted price.
    Keziah seemed comfortable in both of them but I felt like the mei tai was a bit more hands-free for me and definitely more comfortable.

    I can't really comment on other baby carriers because I only tried the two, but I know there are some good ones out there!

  5. Keziah's hairline is SO cute in the front ;) I've been noticing it in a few of the recent pictures of her.....adorable!!

  6. i like that carrier better then the sling. It looks as though you could use it longer. Plus it is so adorable!
    oh and I bought Liam a tricycle the other day (broke down, couldn't wait till his birthday) it is almost identicle to Micah's but it still looks a little different I think. I wish I could have bought it in the states thought since it was $90 with tax.

  7. your babyhawk is beautiful!! keep practicing it takes time

  8. niki didn't have the mei tai's when i was pregnant with Taeya, but I'd like to get one if we have another baby because they seem more practical in a way.
    Lovin' all the pictures!
    as for the soothers...i have no real reason to cut her off except for knowing your story with micah (taeya slept from 8pm-8:20am last night), but if you want to do it, i'll do it too! :)
    ...did i just say that???

  9. You and Keziah look great in the mai tai! Two beautiful girls!

    Glad you are happy about your choice!

  10. Hey James: Let me just say, you look awesome!!! Thtat little sling thing is pretty cool too!!

  11. Cute! Cute! Cute! So she's sleeping from 10-7:30 with no bottle. Grrrrr... I'm jealous, even though our nights have not been too bad. James goes down at 8:30 (with a bottle), eats again at 1am and then 5am and then sleeps until 8am. It's not too bad, as Ryan takes one shift and I take the other. Still, he is not really close to sleeping through the night. A while back I said I was going to start making attempts to cut the nighttime feedings out when he turned 6 months. Well, that is in 3 weeks so hopefully we'll succeed.
