Monday, April 02, 2007

Sunny days, home renos & glorious sleep!

Even though there is another dusting of snow this morning, we have definitely been seeing signs of spring. Here are the kids enjoying a sunny afternoon last week...

It was a busy weekend of renovations. Our original plan was to complete the painting on Saturday and leave the floor for another weekend, but with the help of Erik's family the paint job was done in no time and we were inspired to finish it off with the laminate. We took a quick trip to IKEA on Saturday night to pick up the flooring in Erik's suburban and the boys are laying the last of it this morning. It looks great. Before and after pictures are yet to come since our house is still a disaster zone but here's a little preview: Erik laying the first piece of laminate and then the finished living room:

The toughest part was keeping Micah occupied. Here he is eating his Sunday morning breakfast in the kitchen - literally.

And some good news to report on the sleeping front. I've had Keziah on her 4-hour daytime routine for a week now and I've noticed a definite difference in her nighttime sleep. Last night she woke up once about 3 hours after she had gone down, but she took her soother and fell back to sleep for several more hours! So, I haven't been reduced to trying the "wake her up" technique and I'm praying that I won't have to :)

Micah is still a bit of a challenge - we've gone from having a toddler who begs to go to sleep to having one that refuses it. So, it's a bit of a mind shift but hopefully soon we'll have this sleeping thing figured out.


  1. AWW!! She's such a little doll. Glad she's sleeping better for ya. The renos are looking great. Great pictures of the kids and renos.

  2. LOVE that last picture.
    the place looks great!

  3. the last photos are sooooo cute!!!

  4. Your place is looking great so far! Can't wait to see the completely "finished product!" :)
    Cute pictures of the kids usual :) Hasn't the sunshine been incredible!?

  5. do you ribbon swaddle keziah?

  6. What a weekend! Glad the renos went so well!! Great pictures of Keziah-she is just the cutest sweetie ever!

  7. She is so cute!

    How in the world did you get her to take a soother? We have been trying since Liv was two weeks old and have had no luck! Any pointers?

  8. Christy - we offered both of our kids soothers the first night or two in the hospital. At that point they wanted to suck on anything and everything! She didn't always take it but now she seems to need it to fall asleep.

  9. I just can't seem to see enough pics of your cute kids! Love them. And the place looks great. I can't wait to see the before and after pics.

  10. Hey james, the house looks super duper! I'm liking the gray - been thinking of doing a similar color in our bedroom but wasn't sure - but maybe i just will . . . how cute is your baby?? Seriosly, I love her in her little hat with her round cheeks coming out. Man she's getting so big! she's adorable.
    erin g.

  11. I think the place looks awesome. I just want to warn you about cleaning the laminate floors though. You need to be really careful about liquids on it because it can seep in quick and cauze buckling (we had to replace half our kitchen because of this) Also alot of laminate cleaners out there leave a terrible residue. I found on the interent that plain lemon all purpose cleaner is the best thing and to dry mop with it. Also make sure all your furniture has felt pads. Even thought it says scratch proof on the floor you can still scratch it.

  12. the renos look great! and your keziah looks so sweet! congrats on the better sleep.
