Friday, May 25, 2007

Photo Shoot


  1. Princess is right, what a little sweetheart she is!!!!! And, I get to be the first to say so!!

  2. She is soooooo cute :o) You have a real gift for photography too. I wish I could capture my kids the way you do!! But a cutie pie like that makes it pretty easy!!!

  3. oh, she is so sweet! the second picture she really looks like micah!
    gone are the days of 'easy' photo shoots with taeya (on my manual-focus camera)...she's such a mover and i can't focus fast enough! thank goodness for digitals :)
    we will have to take a picture of hte girls in their brown old navy dresses this summer :)

  4. #3 is my favorite! It's like you asked her to 'pose' and she said something tentative like, "Ummm, okay ... like this mommy?" So cute!

  5. She sure is a little princess. great photos of her. So adorable.

  6. wow - what gorgeous pictures of a gorgeous little girl! hope to see you again soon!

  7. Fabulous pictures!! She's oh so cute :)

  8. What great pictures, Jamie! She is just so precious! Those cheeks were made for smooching!!

  9. Jamie these pictures are beautiful! Way to go!

  10. Thanks for inviting me to your blog Jamie! I love that second picture of Keziah. About Micah going #2 (from a few posts ago), I read somewhere that boys sometimes think that their penis might fall off into the toilet (much like a b.m.) when they go #2 and since they are already quite "attached" to this particular appendage, this can be quite concerning to them. I have no idea if this is the case for Micah, but who knows?

  11. Her shirt says it all!! Love the pictures!

  12. Thanks for the invite to your blog invite! This little photo shoot is so cute. Keziah is such a pretty little girl - I'm sure she hears that often!

  13. she looks SO much like Micah! so cute!

  14. I LOVE that second photo - it's a beauty!

  15. Beautiful little girl! Love her eyes!

  16. Hey James,
    I finally found my way here - we're thinking about going private too. Cute little lady! Responses to the posts I've missed in the last little while- the house is looking fabulous! And your honesty in the last post about whining is very admirable - I'm not worried about Micah - he has amazing parents and extended family - (and I know it must be frustrating), but he will be and is an amazing kid, and he may just have his own timeline about when he's ready to do things like go to nursery alone, etc.

  17. adorable.. shes getting so big! she looks as if she thinned out some already!
