Friday, June 15, 2007

Daddy's "yob-site"

I think my new template is actually inspiring me to blog! After yesterday's confessions of my lack of motivation, here I am again the next day with a new post...

I took the kids to visit Daddy & Uncle Nathan at work this morning (also known by Micah as the "yob-site"). They are really flying on this house and every time I go it looks drastically different.

Unfortunately this will be the last house they'll be building together before Nathan takes a worship leader position at Ross Road Community Church. Erik is very sad to see him go and says it's been the best work experience... ever. He's got some ideas of what he might do once Nathan moves on but he hasn't decided yet. I'd definitely like to know what's going to happen, but Erik doesn't seem in a panic, so I guess I'll just wait and let him figure it out! It's something to be praying about, though - that's for sure...

Finally! A decent family picture!... Oops, never mind, I think Erik might be in the middle of a blink.

Keziah fell asleep in the car on the way home and I had to wake her up so she wouldn't mess up my "two-kids-napping-at-the-same-time" schedule for the afternoon. She was happy but I could tell she was sleepy. She gets so screechy when she's tired. I caught some of her noises on video. You can tell that the sound of her own voice is still startling to her!

Spoken like a true girl :)


  1. I finally clued in to click on the link at the bottom of your blog and it took me to the templates!! However, after spending like an hour trying to figure it all out, I decided to use a template from the blogger site :p I couldn't figure out how to add my own stuff. Oh well, I like my new one better (your old

    Yes I am from Snow Lake...originally BC (Chetwynd). My hubby grew up there but I only moved there my gr.12 year. I lived there for about 8 years and yes, have made a drastic change!! We have lots of friends and my in-laws are still there so now are holidays are spent going to Snow Lake...woohoo??? I've been to SH to 1 youth camp and a couple family camps with my girls. Does Erik remember me from Bethany?? Is that where you guys met?

    Anyways.....the house Erik's building is beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished product! Chris always wrecks our family pictures too with half blinks or eyes closed or a dumb smile!! :o)

  2. I just watched the clip of Keziah!!! cute! She screams then she looks like "Hey, who made that noise?" Hahaha. I loved it when they start "talking"!

  3. love the video - so cute!
    sad that nate is "leaving" erik - hope he can find a good solution when that transition happens!

  4. Just finished catching up on your last couple of posts (loved the 'Micah on stage' story by the way---very cute!!) and was surprised to see another new one when I checked this afternoon :) I love the little video of Keziah's screeching... very cute! I always love your stories and photos--- very inspiring!

  5. Great new template. Love screeching Keziah - so fun as they discover what sounds they can make!
    FYI: your posts are really far down the page, so I get a big blank space to the right that looks like you have no posts (but your profile and whatnot starts at the top where it should be - just thought you'd want to know...)

  6. Thanks for letting me know Sarah. It doesn't show up that way on my computer but I know what you mean b/c it was doing that yesterday and I thought I had fixed the problem. Is anyone else seeing it like that??

  7. Love the new template, james. Sorry I never got back to you about getting together this week. We have been crazy busy (huge worship services all weekend) and the kids are sick... you wouldn't have wanted that- especailly if you are still not feeling great. Let's def. aim for soon though. It may need to wait until we get back from MB since I have a friend staying with us next week and then my sister in law, Rashelle, and her girl, Lily, are coming the next week....
    Let's keep in touch and work out a playdate at a park.

  8. That video of Keziah is so adorable. Her facial expressions after she makes her noise is so adorable. She likes "Who made that noise?". I like the photo of your family together. So adorable! Even though Erik is in a middle of a blink.

  9. Hey Jamie-yes I see your blog like that! I think once everything was at the top bt mostly I gotta scroll down to see your posts :p Weird...

  10. cute new template. I had noticed something was funny with mine but just assumed it was my computer. Was feeling time for a change too. Now I see yours and won't pick the same one. :) It shows up fine on my computer, btw.
    I think you and i will have some stories to share about these little boys of ours. And hopefully some shared advice and encouragement. I think so much of it is just the way of little boys. We're in for it!

  11. Love that family picture!! :)
    Erik should move his business here - and then Rodney could work for him! :) that would be fun!

  12. love the fam. photo. your so cute! loce the hair. I may get mine cut. :-)

    and the template works and looks great

  13. I love you new format, so cute:)
    The pictures are really cute, I haven't thought to do a family picture for awhile.
    The video is awesome, Aiden LOVES doing the exact thing and although its very cute, in the middle of church can be a little distracting!

  14. i agree. keziah does look a little startled by her own voice. very sweet. i think it might be AFV material, maybe you should send it in (america's funniest videos). i want to get footage of ezekiels amazing pushups, but he'll probably be crawling before i get any AFV worthy shots.
