Friday, June 08, 2007

Picnic at the Park

In the last few months, we've started a tradition of going out as a family for Friday suppers and tonight we thought we'd pick up our supper and take it to the park. The sunny evening was a treat after a week of clouds and rain.

Grilled Cheese!

Does any kid like getting their face wiped??

This girl sure loves her bottle...


  1. What a great idea. Thanks for your comment, and yes, I do find the whole thing rather ridiculous now. But trust me - there's more!

  2. Looks like a fun time. We should do that!

    We actually took the kids out to eat, and for once they were pretty good=)

  3. agreed - great idea to go out regularly as a family. nice that keziah enjoys her bottle so much...i would see that as a good indicator that she'll wean easily (taeya was like that).

  4. That picture of Keziah getting her face cleaned is so precious! i don't no kid likes to get their face washed. It's funny how they scream when they get their face washed. It's like we're hurting them or something.

    Anyways, glad you had a fun day at the park. Great pictures! Looks like Micah was having a fun time.

  5. What a good idea! I'd love to do something like that but between snakes and wind, we gotta keep our picnics in our back yard!! LOL! That picture of Keziah getting her face wiped is priceless!!

  6. That's a great tradition to have. How's the milk supply for you these days?

  7. what a fantastic idea! might have to copy that one.

  8. That looks like fun! My girlfriend and I picked up lunch on Tuesday and went to park with our two little boys. It was SO much fun - we are making it a weekly outting.

  9. Those are the cutest pictures ever:) I love the look of pure joy on Micah's face over the simple thing like a grilled cheese sandwich!

  10. she is so adorable... and no idont think any kid likes getting their face wiped. although caleb loves having his hands cleaned. he hates having dirty hands.
