Monday, June 18, 2007


Yesterday morning we went to church at The Life Centre again so Erik could play drums with his brother, Doug. We've been used to getting up early on Sundays to make it to our church by 8:30 so it was a treat to only have to be at church at 11! Keziah was able to have a normal morning nap and I even had time for a little photo shoot of the kids before we left. I interspersed the pictures throughout this post for your enjoyment :)

I think Keziah may be slowly weaning herself. I always offer breastfeeding first before resorting to a bottle and she usually nurses fine first thing in the morning. But the rest of the feedings she will nurse a bit and then either fuss or just turn her head away in disinterest. As soon as I bring out a bottle she gets SO excited. I kind of saw this coming since we have been giving her bottles more and more and I remember hearing that babies usually start to prefer bottles if they're offered them enough. I think she likes that she can still look around when she drinks a bottle. And I think she actually prefers the taste of formula. When I give her breastmilk in a bottle she doesn't down it as quickly as formula. So even though most of me is really OK with this, I admit there's a tiny part of me that feels a little rejected :) I think we'll try to hang onto those morning feedings as long as we can, but this may be the beginning of the end...

Micah's potty-training is going great. Going #2 is no longer tramautic which is a relief (in more ways than one - ha ha). He still has the odd pee accident when he's too busy playing, but otherwise we're good! He has been dry during his naps right from the start (except maybe once) but still needs a pull-up at night (though he wakes up dry sometimes).
And speaking of the potty, I actually got Keziah to poop on the potty last week! I went to change her diaper and saw that something was a'comin', so I rushed her to the bathroom and she fit quite comfortably on Micah's potty-seat while I sat on the stool and held her up. It was great! I'm not sure if I'll get in the habit of doing this with her, but hey, that was one less dirty diaper for me to clean up!

We had a fun little family night on Saturday night. After having supper with friends we came home, pulled out the hide-a-bed, made popcorn and let Micah stay up to watch Cars with us. We made sure to tell him that this was a special treat so that he doesn't start expecting to stay up every night. I'm thinking that if I want him to go to bed at 7:30 I will have to shorten his nap (he's still napping about 2 hours every afternoon). But it's hard for ME to give up such a long nap, so maybe we'll compromise and put him to bed at 8 and still let him nap an hour and a half in the afternoon....

I seem to be over whatever random sickness plagued me last week. I'm on day 3 of feeling totally fine and I'm thankful for that. There's nothing like feeling normal again after being sick for awhile - I have renewed motivation to do all the things that I felt too yucky to do last week. Keziah's been a bit of a fussy-pants this weekend though so my guess is that she's either come down with the same thing or that she's teething.

That's all the news I have for today but, to end off, here's my favourite picture of the bunch...


  1. What cute grandchildren I have!
    Mom Toews

  2. Wow - adorable photos! Keziah looks so much like her older brother in the second pic, quite uncanny really (except the dress and headband give her away)! Funny that Keziah and Elijah are finishing up together - they must be in kahoots ;)

  3. Around 6 months Hailey started showing signs of being uninterested with bfing too. On the bright side, we don't have to work with kids who are reallly hard to switch to bottles!

    Great pictures! The last one is my favorite too!!!!!

  4. You always do such a professional job of your kids pictures Jamie! They look wonderful...very cute!
    Glad to hear you're feeling better :)

  5. Once again....beautiful pictures Jamie! Your kids are sooo cute! I know how you feel about nursing. I wasn't able to nurse the first time and felt like a failure then only nursed for 3 months the second time. Brooklyn started screaming when I would feed her on my left side which made it impossible to nurse outsdie the home! But I sure wish I could of done it longer. I liked being able to do something that only I could do!!! I think the weaning sometimes is more for us than the baby :o)

  6. What beautiful pics of your kids. That is great that Micah is going potty and not giving you any problems.

    P.S. Glad you are feeling better.

  7. Sarah - I hadn't noticed that before but now that you point it out it IS very obvious. Funny how I can see resemblances in other babies but when it comes to my own I find it hard to tell who they look like...

  8. adorable! I love your photo shoots!!

  9. Hey Jamie,

    I always love reading your blogs! Great pictures again! Sorry about the breastfeeding thing ... i'm having the opposite problem where Myra won't take a bottle anymore. Goodbye evenings away :(
    You are a fantastic mom!

  10. Hi Jamie,
    Don't worry, it didn't take me long to figure something wasnt' right with my template, you just confirmed it for me.
    I've been meaning to do a post that I bet you'd be interested in ... my cousin is actually potty training her infant. She's just a few months younger than Keziah and she's really pleased with the progress. I should get her to write about her experience and be a guest author on my blog!

  11. ditto on the pictures - they're amazing! and of course micah and keziah are as cute as can be!!! :)

  12. I remember feeling that "rejection" when Taylor was no longer interested in breastfeeding also...I can feel how your feeling! Its definitely a "relief" in some senses, but it means they are growing up in another sense. I loved all these pictures. Little miss Keziah is so beautiful, and Micah is SOOOOOO handsome!!!

  13. Those are such sweet pictures! I like that last picture too of Micah holding Keziah. They are 2 very cute kids!
    Glad you are feeling better!

  14. Awesome pictures! Really cute=)

    Jealous of your potty training sucess...Ethan is doing horrible.
    We took his little potty away that we had in the living room because he was standing to pee in it and it was making a mess. Our only bathroom is upstairs so instead of going up he whips his thing out a pees wherever. I didn't want to spank for potty training but he KNOWS this is unacceptable. BOYS!

    I was very sad when my daughter wanted her bottle instead of me=( It is sad.

  15. Cute pics Jamie! Our flights are booked to BC for Monday, so expect an email from me soon...

  16. Cute pics!! i also love the new template!!!!

  17. You got her to go on the potty! Wow. I guess if she's taking more formula then she doesn't have the explosive runny poo that Isaiah has.
    She's a cutie!

  18. Absolutely love the pictures, you are so awesome at taking photos!
    I have heard of quite a few other doing the baby poop on the potty, I think that is so great:)
    Definitely up for saving on the yucky diapers!

  19. okay jamie, ms. popular! again, i'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by your commentators WOWSA, i think you are pretty much the only once commenting on mine these days (poor slacker that i am). anyhoo, great pictures. i can totally relate to wanting to get the wee baby pooping on the potty seat ha ha! nice move there!

    great to hear that potty training is going so good for micah. thats awesome!

    sorry to hear you feel rejected. at least you were mentally prepared for this to happen (as per your previous comments) but i'm sure it is still hard. i remember feeling the same way with diedre even though i was weaning her and she was 14 months old ha ha!

    as you will see (via email), i invited you to be a "contributor" for wordverification since you had some funny ones there. i cant believe its been over a year since either of the original contributors have but i see that some people have posted in comments.

    take care.
    talk soon.

  20. Hey, I llove the new blog, and the kids are adorable. I miss you all so much. love mom
