Monday, June 25, 2007

This is summer?

It's another dreary day here in Abbotsford. Seriously, wasn't summer supposed to start last week? I've been waiting to bring out all the summer clothes and especially Keziah's summer dresses, but everyday we have to put on the same jeans and sweaters!

This past weekend my passion for scrapbooking was rekindled. I haven't touched my scrapbooking stuff since Keziah was born and I was waiting for some inspiration (and some time!) Well, I think it finally came. I was able to finish the title page for her album and I'm so pleased with how it turned out:

On Sunday Erik discovered the joy of putting Keziah on the potty to poop. When I first told him I was doing this he thought it was kind of cool, but until he experienced it for himself I don't think he realized the great satisfaction it would bring. He was thrilled! Keziah even has her "pooping face" in this picture :)

I had to include another video today because it's so adorable. I usually sing Micah a song before he goes to sleep and we've cycled through a few different songs over the months. If I sing a kid's song he gets upset and tells me he wants a grown-up song. So, some of the favourites so far have been Trust & Obey and Holy God. Lately I've been singing Safe Place (by Kevin Boese I think) and he's learned most of the words and loves to sing along with us...

A quick update on me: I saw my doctor on Friday and he thinks I'm having some minor gastro-intestinal issues. I'll have to give some samples (blood and other such things...) just to check everything out. I've actually felt pretty good again over the weekend and I'm just hoping that I'll be able to start walking with the kids again without feeling gross afterwards.

And one more thing! Don't forget to get your dialing fingers ready -- Greg performs tonight on Canadian Idol!


  1. It was great bumping into you in Costco on Saturday! I enjoyed chatting with you guys in person rather than always via blogging :) Your kids are so was cool to meet them!
    Glad to hear you're feeling better...hope they are able to fully figure out the problem so they can fix it for good. Can't wait for Idol tonight :)

  2. I can't believe that you have gotten her to poop on the potty already! Is this a regular thing now?? If so, how do you get her there before it is mostly done in the diaper? Good for you! That is has got to be a great feeling that she is doing it so young. Who knows you could have both your kids potty trained!

  3. Hi Jamie!
    Thanks for adding me:) The title page for Keziah looks amazing - it makes me want to run upstairs and do some more on Kyra's book. Micah is so adorable singing that song. The sun is popping out a bit now so maybe you can enjoy some sun today!

  4. Very nice title page for Keziah's scrapbook. I have stuff to scrapbook, but no inspiration. Maybe some day it will come! Glad that you have been feeling a bit better and I hope the doctor can solve the problem for you.
    Very cute song that you and Micah were singing - I love how kids sing along. Oh, and you also have a very nice voice!

  5. Hey James, that's awesome Keziah is pooping on the potty already!!! My kids never really made enough noises or faces so I couldn't tell when they were going...that would be cool if she would be potty trained by the time she's 1!! I've heard of kids doing that!!! And the scrapbook page you did is beautiful!!! I have wanted to do more on Riley's book and I have my sister's wedding to do too but I just haven't found the time yet...later

  6. Thats so neat about Keziah going on the potty. I came across "Elimination Communication" on the internet a few months ago and thought it made a lot of sense and sounded interesting, but my husband thought there was no way it could work. It's really cool that this is just something you've discovered yourself.

  7. What a sweet video! And that is so cool about Keziah going on the potty. I was telling my hubby about this the other day, a few other blogger friend s do it. How neat. I want another baby so I can get a sling or such and do EC!!!

  8. I LOVE your scrapbook page, Jamie! That's so great that you're back into it now! I did a little bit before Graham was born, but now I think I might be putting that hobby on hold for a while too!

  9. I also love your scrapbook page. It looks so great. Can't wait to see more.

    That is so great that you are getting to poop on the toilet.

  10. Keziah's scrapbook is beautiful! You are very crafty, aren't you? I think it's hilarious that she poops on the potty already! Anything to prevent a dirty diaper, eh? :)

  11. I'm with you on the summer! Where is it - I had to turn the furnace on the other day! It was great to see you guys Sunday, thanks for coming!

  12. Yes...I've heard that Canada hasn't been having the nicest summer weather. I hope it gets nice for us while we're there!

    Sorry to hear about all your tummy problems...that sucks :( Hopefully you'll be back to 100% soon!

    Does keziah go poop on the potty lots or just whenever? That's cool though! Makes your job easier! That's cute that Micah sings along with you! MY girls really like Blessed Be Your Name and Trading My Sorrows! They have a kids worship cd that they listen too ALL THE TIME in the van. Maybe Micah would like something that too! Beautiful l/o of Keziah too! I've been slacking on scrapbooking with it being so nice here. Seems to be my winter hobby!!

  13. huh, i thought i commented already. i guess not. LOVE the potty training pic. way to go keziah! and i love the video of micah singing - that's awesome!
    you're so crafty...keziah's title page looks amazing!
    ps. i have 3 cans of formula for you...are you going to be in church on sunday?

  14. So you get her on the potty all the time now to poop? Wow!
    That's fun that Micah likes to sing with you.
    Could some of your health stuff have to do with stress? Just wondering as I know someone who has that and the Dr. said it was due to stress.

  15. precious video of Micah singing with you! Keziah's poop pic is priceless - concentration at work!! How often are you getting her on the potty to do her business?

  16. I remember once getting Liam to poop on the potty (it was a fluke kinda thing) but hey, the less messy diapers you have, the better right?
    Micah and my kids should have a singalong sometimes. Aidan and Liam's new fav song is "you never let go" matt redman. It is hilarious to hear them sing along.

  17. so cool 2 see you putting her on the potty! its so cute! and wow look at ur hubby down there! what a man LOL :-)

  18. I love the page for Keziah, I have been really unmotivated and uninspired to start Aiden's book, you've given me a blogging kick in the pants to just do it :)
    I hope you are feeling back to normal soon, feeling crappy and trying to be a mom can be really exhausting and frustrating.
    take care

  19. I love the scrapbook page, I have been dying to get Aidan's book started but haven't had the time yet. I've just been jotting ideas down in a notebook for now!
