Sunday, July 08, 2007

Pool Party at Our Place!

Canadian Tire came through for us this weekend with a brand new kiddie pool and it couldn't have come at a better time! Micah spent most of the day in it on Saturday (and is also sporting his new life-jacket in this picture)...

Keziah enjoyed splashing around a bit as well.

Today (Sunday) we had some good friends from our Bethany days, Craig & Jen, stop by for a visit:

Craig shocked Micah with stories of his dad's Bible school antics :)

Craig & Jen snapped a fun family picture for us...

Now it's vacation time! We are off in a couple of days for the Island. I'm looking forward to it, but there is still SO much to pack!!


  1. what a cute family photo!

  2. We are hoping Craig and Jen will make it out this way for a visit yet this summer. Glad you had fun with them.
    Where you took the pictures is where you had some of your mat pics. done, right?
    Love the life jacket. Did you see Isaiah's on my blog?

  3. That family picture looks really cute! And the pool is very party worthy! Hope the packing goes well - can't wait till we are basking on the dock.

  4. I LOVE that family photo! It's beautiful. Definately worthy of an 8 x 10 enlargement for a frame! :)

  5. I also love that family photo! Great shot! Looks like you guys had a great weekend, with great weather! We too are heading on holidays in a few days, and yes, there is TOOOOOOO much to pack! I'm getting a little overwhelmed! Anyways, hope you guys have a great trip! Can't wait to see what great pictures you'll post when you get back!

  6. Glad that Craig & Jen were able to get together with you. They said they had a great time with you yesterday! And they showed me the video they took of Micah on the drums---Craig was seriously laughing his head off in disbelief of how good he was! As was I--- seriously, that kid's got some serious music potential :) Very cool!
    Anyway...enjoy your holiday to the island! Hope its a time of refreshment and fun!!

  7. ditto on the family photo - i love it!!!
    have a great time away :)

  8. HI Jamie. Loved the new pictures of you guys. I can't believe how the kids have grown., and micah's hsir has grown too. taslk to you soon. love mom

  9. Hey Jamie: Nice family pic. It sort of caught me off guard at first glance as it looked like Keziah had long legs! Of course they were your legs but at first glance it threw me! Anyway, I hope you have a great holiday! Take care...

  10. Looks like the kids are having lots of fun!! I went to BBI with Craig and Jen too!! I didn't know they have a little one?!?! Have fun on holidays too. We'll be beack from ours tomorrow!

  11. You have such a beautiful family! Was that picture taken in the back yard? It looks so beautiful there. Oh, and the picture of Keziah in the pool with the water droplets in mid-air is so neat! I also love the fact that Micah is wearing his life jacket in his kiddie pool! Safety 1st!
