Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Final Homecoming

Caleb was released from the hospital today! We went over to Doug & Elissa's this afternoon to enjoy the little five and half(ish) pound bundle.

Micah saw "Baby Ca-yib" for the first time in person.

Auntie Rosanna got to feed Caleb his supper bottle.

He downed his bottle and beat Keziah who dawdled over hers :)

Daddy Doug is already learning to multi-task...

Some much-deserved Mommy/Caleb time.

The little family.

And since I'm already blogging, I figured I'd give an update on our own little family since it's been awhile...

Keziah is getting close to crawling I think. She leans forward on her hands and folds her legs behind her. It seems like she's about to take off, but it could be a little while yet. I'm looking forward to her mobility because I'm hoping she may be more content once she can get around. She is still a champion sleeper but is a handful during the day - and still NO teeth to show for it!

Micah regressed in his sleeping and potty-training in the last weeks but seems to be getting back on track now. He has also backtracked in the whining department. And separation anxiety seems to be at an all-time high. Anytime we get ready to leave the house he throws a fit and cries, "Don't go anywhere!" He does this even if we're all going somewhere together. He's already made several scenes in the driveway as we're headed out to the car. But, he's also bringing us so much joy each day. The way he's talking now sounds so grown up. Just the tone of voice he uses sometimes is hilarious. He comes up with little witty comments to cheer up the family, like "I'm a big tall man!" Unfortunately, we relied quite heavily on the TV to get us through those first couple of weeks and now we are trying to wean Micah off of Cars and the Treehouse Channel without too much withdrawal...

Erik is planning to go back to work this coming week after about a month off. The day before the accident Erik actually accepted a new job. He will be a sub-contractor for J&G Builders, assisting them in their house-building projects. The job description is a little ambiguous and will include some framing and finishing work. Erik has the utmost respect for the father & son who he will be working for and they gave him an incredible offer. It has been such a blessing for Erik to not have to worry about looking for work or setting up another house contract during this difficult time. He has a fantastic job with a steady income waiting for him whenever he's ready to go back. Thank you Lord, for that.

As for me, I've been keeping busy taking care of the kids and helping a bit at Doug & Elissa's place since they've been home. There honestly isn't much else to report besides that! I'm looking forward to having a bit more time to take Micah out in these last weeks of summer. Even though I don't feel much like having outings, I still want my kids to be able to enjoy a bit of the summer yet.

Anyway, time to sign off. This post has taken me most of the evening since Micah is NOT going to sleep - even though he should be exhausted...


  1. WAY to go Keziah!! you're gonna be a little crawling machine!! :) such a cutie. and i'm so glad Micah can be a source of such joy right now! what a couple of weeks this has probably been for him. he's so resilient. i feel the same way these days about Treehouse. i feel guilty - yet at the same time it's given me Mommy time, so i just have to somehow find a balance ya know??
    what excitement i had when i saw the words that little Caleb got to go home!! such a relief for his parents, i'm sure! and i teared up when i saw those pictures of Doug. SO much better/encouraging/happy then the last few...and that means prayers are being answered slowly but SURELY!! that's awesome. Elissa looks as beautiful as ever...what a lucky little boy to have a Mommy like her!! and it warmed my heart to see Rosanna holding Caleb Nathan. i hope he can bring her some peace & some joy in all of these hard weeks/months to come. You & Erik have been such a source of support & strength for your siblings...
    i remember the day that the accident happened and you & i were talking on the phone in the morning about Erik's new job & all of the positives it would bring. i'm sooo glad they have given him the freedom to come back when he's ready, and that there is security for you as a family. what a blessing!! Erik, we're so proud of you!!
    Jamie - i love you. let's talk soon ok?? and i wish we lived closer so that K & I could join you for a little play date! you're an awesome Mom, and those are two very lucky kidlets.
    love you, love you, love you.

  2. How wonderful that Caleb is able to be home with Doug & Elissa. Beautiful pictures of them as a family, and of Rosanna feeding little Caleb. So precious.
    Wow Keziah - gonna be a little crawling machine!
    I'm sure that as things settle down a bit, Micah will get back into his usual self again.
    It is so wonderful about Erik working for J&G; it's so wonderful how understanding they've been and just the fact that Erik hasn't had to stress about a job during this time.
    Hope to see you tomorrow morning? Alf and I are in the nursery.

  3. Caleb is so adorable! Great family shots.

    I can't believe how big keziah is getting! SHe is such a little cutie! I agree with Kelly. once things get settled down I'm sure Micah will return his old self!

  4. So glad to hear that Caleb is now home!! He's a cutie-and so tiny!

    Hope you enjoy the last few weeks of summer and I'm continually praying for you guys as you encounter many joys and sorrows in the coming weeks

  5. Great post Jamie! What a little miracle baby Caleb is! Beautiful picture of their little family.

    Of course your kids are cute as ever! It's cool to see everyone's kids grow right before our eyes through our blogs!

    I just wanted to let you know that I am still praying for you! There really isn't a day that goes but that you and your family are not far from my mind.

    "You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy..." Psalm 30:11
    I pray that for you today Jamie!

  6. I meant to say...There really isn't a day that goes "by" that you and your family are not far from my mind!

  7. I'm so glad Caleb is home. That must feel so great for Doug & Elissa. I hope Keziah starts to crawl for you soon. That's so exciting:) I'll be praying that Micah has fewer and fewer meltdowns - it must be so hard for him to be old enough to sort of understand what's going on but too young to really understand how to control his feelings. I'm praying for you and Erik - congratulations Erik on the new job. Have a good Sunday.

  8. Hey Jamie,
    What a blessing that Caleb is home and they are able to spend time together as a family. And that you guys are able to help them out. He is so cute as are your two so adorable. Keziah is how old again? 8mths? anyways shes probably closer to crawling then you think. Isaac did that all 4s thing and then 2 days later was gone. Crawling that is and now he just won't sit still. But they do tend to be more content when they are able to move around or follow you. Take care and say Hi to your family. Jacqueline

  9. Jamie - your new nephew is precious and such a litte miracle! I am so in awe that Elissa is home now with her baby. I will continue to lift them up in prayer as they adjust to home life and caring for their little boy. I'm so glad to hear that God has orchestrated a perfect job for Eric for this time.
    Blessings to you as you continue to parent your beautiful children.

  10. I can't tell you how much relief I feel that Caleb is home already. It is such a miracle that he is home so quickly. SUCH a miracle that he is feeding well. I'm praying a lot for healing in Elissa's body, which I'm sure will happen a lot faster now that both her and her Caleb are home. Do they need meals? Someone to clean? Please let me know if I can help in some way.
    Your children are SO precious and adorable. I'm praying for your family as you find your way through a new normal now, as you are grieving. Hope your day is good today.

  11. Wow great pictures. Caleb looks so small next to Doug. What an answer to prayer that he could come home.
    And what is with kids being great sleepers at night but a bit of a handful during the day? I guess I'll take the sleep at night though.

  12. Oh! He is home. Love the pictures and the stories. So great to connect with you again this week. I will continue to lift you, Erik, Micah and Keziah up in prayer.

  13. I guess we aren't the only ones who have a hard time cutting down tv with the kids.
    That is so awesome that Caleb can be home. I am sure it will be so much easier on everyone now that they are together.
    as for the crawling thing, my kids were all 9 months or older before they started and I remember constantly comparing them to others, then one day they just took off and I couldn't stop them! Take it as a blessing she isn't moving yet.

  14. hey jamie
    those little toewsies of yours are so cute and they have gotton so big. I feel as though I haven't read your blog in forever but i'm glad your doing better. Caleb is so cute and he is so blessed to have you as his auntie well blessings on you.

  15. I am SO excited to hear that Caleb is finally home! We were gone to Alli & Steve's wedding in Rosemary this weekend and I thought about you guys the entire time--wondering how things were going and whether Caleb had been transferred to Abby yet. So glad to hear that he didn't have to get "transferred" but was able to go home! Praise God!! Please send my congrats on to Doug & Elissa and let them know we're still praying for a speedy recovery and healing through this whole situation.
    You're all continually in our thoughts and prayers. Love you lots & also congrats to Erik on his new job! What an incredible answer to prayer :)
    Take care Jamie and please let me know if I can do anything to help you out!

  16. We were so glad to read that they are all home now. We are constantly praying for you all.

    What great news about Erik's job - we're so glad he didn't have to worry about that.

    We hope to see you Saturday at Mel's

  17. Wow Jamie! Keziah is looking more and more like Micah.

    Great pictures of Caleb. I cant imagine how small her must be! The one picture of Doug and Caleb, Doug's hand looks like it is completely wrapped around him. He is very adorable.

  18. It's so good to see you guys having some sort of normality as small as it may be. Keziah is looking so much like Micah it's scary!! My girls were way happier too once they figured out how to crawl so hopefully it will come soon! My prayers are still with you guys especially as Erik goes back to work! Thinking of all of you!
