Monday, August 20, 2007

A little humour - courtesy of Micah

Here are a couple of videos of Micah to make you smile:

Erik and Micah invented a new version of soccer last night. I think it could really take off...

This was Micah at 10:45 this morning. Last night's 8 hour sleep just wasn't enough for him, I guess.


  1. They definitely made me smile! Thanks for that!!

  2. The "sleepy head" video is PRICELESS!! I think you'd give others a run for their money on America's Funniest Home videos with that one :) I laughed out loud!

  3. Hahahaha....awwwww....too cute! I wonder if the Beckham's play soccer like that!!! My kids were always miserable if they didn't get enough sleep...not pose for super cute videos!!! Well I shouldn't say that....Brooklyn has a few video clips of herself doing head bobs into her supper plate!!

  4. Love the video clips! I think I want to play soccer that way :)

    Thinking of you guys today!

  5. LOL! That video of Micah is so cute. I laughed pretty hard. And that seems like a really fun way to play soccer!

  6. oh, that sleepy video is priceless and so funny. I was totally laughing out loud! CUTE, micah!!!!

  7. Awesome videos - I definitely think playing soccer that way would be a hit:) The video of him falling asleep is so funny - I laughed outloud:)

  8. priceless videos. He is so cute.

  9. Jamie, you should so send that Micah sleeping video to one of the funniest video shows. My co-workers and I were watching it and laughing so hard! LOVE IT!

  10. So Cute!!!! Love the video's!!!

  11. Glad you had some joy to your day. How Micah was sleeping is how I sleep in the car. :0)

  12. You succeeded in making me smile! Tyler is currently having a nap too (and it's 11:45)! He hasn't been sleeping all that great either!

  13. It was so nice to meet you yesterday! Did Micah enjoy the fish? Lucas munched on pretzels (of all things) for our entire marathon shopping session...he did really well :)
    The video's are too cute, thanks for posting them!

  14. is something in the air?? diedre asked for a nap at 9.30am and slept for 2 hours and is currently napping again!! (although, by noon she was running a fever, so thats why i put her down again).

  15. oh Micah! i just LOVE you!!

  16. now that is a sport that I could find entertaining to watch!
