Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunny Sunday

It is a beautiful day in Abbotsford. Erik gave me a nice break by taking the kids outside to play this afternoon. I went out at one point to snap a few pictures.

Erik is saying good-bye to his truck and putting it up for sale. It's not really a sad good-bye though since he will soon be driving around a company truck which is much newer and much more reliable! His job is going amazingly well and the father-son team that he works for treat him like gold. Erik will have to take off the Toews Home Builder decals on the truck which is a little bit sad. If things continue to go well with this new job, he may end up dissolving his business altogether.

Me and the kids - it's SO hard to get a good picture with TWO squirmy participants so this one isn't actually too bad :)

Hurry and take the picture before she pulls my hair...!

Our animated 10-month old. I can relate to Heather's attempt at taking 10-month baby pictures!

Micah lounging on the grass...


  1. These pictures made me miss you four. You all look great! Looking forward to seeing you. I am going to miss the truck - long live IKEA trips and job site coffee breaks!

  2. We tried taking a picture of our little family today. Good luck getting Isaiah to smile. I post those in the next few days.
    I love your black shirt Where did you get it?
    How nice to get a picture of you and the kids. I often get a lot of pictures of Trev and Isaiah.

  3. I love the pictures of the kids in the grass! So cute! And, I'm SO glad Erik's work is going well. That makes life so much LESS stressful!

  4. Those pics of the reflection are cool! I'm happy that things are going so well with Erik's job. Looks like Micah needs belt ;) They should have special sizes for kids with no bum, haha. Since H is out of diapers her pants just don'y stay up...gotta find suspenders!

  5. Rebekah - the black shirt came from Superstore! They've sure stepped it up in the clothing dept. The little girls' clothes are SOOO cute too and Keziah's hoodie in these pictures is also courtesy of S.S. :)

  6. I love the pictures of you and the kids. Very cute!

  7. We have the same truck! (Ours is an 85.) I was so happy to see the lettering come off from our business when we left Rupert, and I can't wait till we can get rid of the truck now!

    Cute pictures. I hope we can get together soon. :)

  8. The pictures of you and the kids are just too cute!!!

  9. Glad that things are going well at Erik's job. That is sad to take those decals off the truck - great pics with faces framed in there though. Your kids are cuties:)

  10. oh, someone, usually Tyler is up by 6:30 or 7. Too early!!! Not quite as bad as you, though!! Graham feeds around 5:30, then goes back to sleep til 8, usually. Not bad, I guess, in the long run!!

  11. love those're looking amazing Jamie!
    and even though it's sad for Erik to think about dissolving the company - what a blessing this new job has been for you guys! i'm so happy about that!! :)
    i'm missing you lots lately!

  12. GREAT pictures!
    and we're so glad to hear that the new job is going well, and that Erik will get to drive a newer, reliable vehicle!!!
    If there's no cost associated with Erik keeping the company, might as well keep it - it may be useful some day in the far future!

  13. Hey Jamie,
    You look beautiful! I just thought you should know that. I love those pics of you with the kids - I think you look really pretty.

  14. You're all looking just as stunning as always! Glad you were able to enjoy the sunshine. Thinking of you.
