Monday, October 15, 2007


I realize my blog has been sadly lacking in updates lately. Life has been busy in the last couple of weeks with my parents' visit and family time and the start of our care group (which Erik and I are co-leading this year). We also have a couple of big decisions to make in the next little while. Our time and our thoughts are occupied these days.

I babysat for Caleb a couple of times this week while Doug & Elissa had more doctor and physio appointments. Micah is infatuated with "baby Cay-dib"! Caleb smiled easily for Micah too. Here he is with a little grin for the camera:

Micah enjoyed feeding him his bottle:

My own kids are keeping my days busy as always. Most of the time I am mediating between Micah and Keziah, but there are rare moments when they seem to get along.

Here's Micah feeding Keziah her sweet potatoes the other day. I love how wide his mouth is!

Sharing a puffed-wheat picnic with Bob the Builder:

And this last picture makes me laugh. Lately, Keziah loves to crawl around with objects in her mouth, especially her own socks :)


  1. I miss you Micah and Keziah. You are both such precious, beautiful kids,a dn I love yo so much. Thanks for the cute pics Jamie love

  2. those pictures are so cute!!! love the one...wait, i love them all!
    looking forward to seeing you at playgroup this week.

  3. great pics of all the kidlets! The one of Micah feeding Keziah is priceless....I did the same thing :o)

  4. Your kids are so cute. Praying for wisdom for you guys as you make these big decisions.

  5. I'll be thinking of you as you seek wisdom and guidence.
    I love the realization that when kids eat food it's just plain messy!

  6. Those pictures of Keziah & Micah are so cute! Love the last picture of Keziah! SO adoorable!!

  7. Very cute pictures! Hope you're doing well in spite of the "busyness" of life. Thinking of you.

  8. cute photos as always and I feel for you in the mediating department, sometimes at the end of the day I feel like that's all I've done!

  9. I love your pictures. I SO remember that stage of crawling where Hailey would put stuff in her mouth to travel :) VERY cute. Reminds me of a puppy! Thinking of you today Jamie!! and missing you! I wish we could hang out again!!!

  10. Thanks for the update - I know what you mean about posts being few and far between...somehow blogging gets put to the bottom of the list (yet I still want to read everyone else's blogs!!) What a dilemma...(eye roll).
    Anyway, I love the pictures - wow, it must be so busy with two, and then babysitting a little one as well! They are all so very cute.
    Take care, Jamie. I hope you have time for rest and restoration.

  11. Great pics Jamie! Their all 3 such cuties. Will be praying for ya guys and your decisions ;)

  12. Glad to see that my baby's not the only one that likes to crawl around like a puppy with a bone :D

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. oops! I made a mistake :D The last puppy went home today... for some reason I thought they were leaving next weekend. Sooo... perhaps you can come over in about 6 weeks from now to visit our newest litter that just arrived yesterday?
    We'll talk. Have a great weekend!
