Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Gramps & Gran

My parents arrived from Manitoba on Saturday night for their annual October visit. Micah only sees them a couple of times a year and it usually takes him a little while to warm up to them. Grandpa always has some smarties up his sleeve which seem to do the trick! And Granny brought Micah a new play-doh set and some books and that worked pretty well too.

We've had a lot of rain the last few days so we've been kind of cooped up inside the house. My parents brought their laptop and right now my mom and I are both sitting at our screens. I got her signed up on Facebook yesterday and now she's addicted :) We're also anxiously waiting for the birth of the newest Harder grandchild. My brother and his wife are almost 2 weeks overdue with my little nephew! If he holds out until Sunday, he'll share a birthday with me! (Just kidding Laura, I don't want you to be pregnant that long!)

Granny kept Micah busy yesterday baking pies...

I guess we should've put an apron on Micah first.

Making a special "apple pie pizza pop" just for Micah:

Poking holes in it before it goes into the oven:

We are headed into the States for the weekend - to do some shopping while the dollar is so good and to celebrate my birthday. I hope that not everyone else in the lower mainland has the same idea - border line-ups aren't my ideal way to spend a Friday morning...


  1. Have a great time with your parents!! Cute pictures!!

  2. Have a great time with your parents and enjoy the shopping! Happy Birthday a few days early too! Good luck with the border line ups - you can always check on-line to see where the shortest line up is ;-)

  3. hope you continue having a great time with your parents.
    have a great weekend away (hopefully the lineups are not too bad). and happy early birthday! Guess we won't see you on Sunday then :)
    maybe at mom's group this morning?

  4. Aren't granparents the best?!?! Hope your visit coniunes to go well and don't take all the good stuff out of the States....I like shopping too!!! Have a great birthday too :o)

  5. Those pies look absolutely delicious - what a fun memory for Micah :) I hope that you have a good time shopping and a fabulous birthday.

  6. I hope you have a great weekend!!

  7. It´s great you can be with your parents, i hope you have a great birthday and our Lord can give everything you need.
    God Bless you and the rest of the family,

  8. Happy Birthday Jamie! Have a great time shopping - what a great little pick-me-up:)

  9. Hope you have a great visit with your parents and an awesome birthday Jamie!

  10. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!Hope it's a special one this year!

  11. Enjoy the states. I hope you find lots of deals! Happy Birthday too!
    Grandparents are the best. When I see Isaiah's grandparents play with him it makes me wonder what type of Grandparent I will be one day.
