Monday, November 19, 2007

Gearing Up

Keziah's birthday is coming in a few days and I tried to get some good one year shots of her the other day. Easier said than done, but I did manage to snap a couple. You'll have to wait until Thursday to see the good ones, but here are a couple of the outtakes. She loves having things hanging out of her mouth. Here she found the end of the cord from our bedroom blinds.

And here is Keziah's first ponytail - not a lot of hair to work with, but still cute :)

As for the party, in the end I've decided to keep it a family affair this year in light of how we're all feeling. We'll keep it pretty simple which will be nice for me... It will be fun as long as there are cupcakes! That's according to Micah :)


  1. love the pony!! :)
    and a year already? that went by SO very
    i hope you have a GREAT time with family celebrating such a beautiful little girl! :)

  2. SO CUTE!!!!

    Great photos of Keziah!!! Cant wait to see the rest of the photos!!

  3. I can't believe she' almost 1! Wow, how a year flys by and what a year it's been for you. I hope that you have fun planning her birthday and that she's a happy girl this all that attention on her special day.

  4. LOVE the ponytail!!!! i can't wait to see the rest of the pictures.
    enjoy celebrating with family - good choice! :)

  5. The ponytail is cute!! I will have to try and put one in Olivia's hair!

  6. i love the 2nd picture! makes me laugh:)
    only one day to go, keziah!!!

  7. The pony tail is cute. At least she has hair, Judah's pretty much lost his!!!!
