Saturday, March 15, 2008

All my bags are packed...

It looks like we're pretty much ready to get on our Hawaiian-bound airplane tomorrow morning. There is plenty of excitement in the air, along with some normal traveling nerves :) If you're thinking of us, we appreciate any prayers for health and safety. And you can also pray for Micah who was kind of feverish today.

I'm off to help Erik finish up a few things before we head to bed. Stay tuned to hear all about our tropical adventure!


  1. Have a great time in Hawaii!!! Cant wait to hear about your trip!!!

  2. have an amazing time in hawaii!! so fun! looking forward to seeing your pics when you get back!

    Oh, and i was also wondering if you could send me a blog invite to just because i switched emails and that way i can log in easier! Thanks!!

    Happy Travels!

  3. I am so excited for you. Have fun.

  4. Have fun!! Enjoy the sun for all of us!!

  5. Thinking of you basking in the sun!!!!! :) LOVELY!

  6. I've been thinking about you guys a lot this week... hoping you're having a wonderful time and relaxing in that incredible sunshine :)

  7. miss you!!!!!!!!!!! are you home yet?? did you have a fabulous time???? :) :)
