Monday, March 10, 2008

Wowie Maui

Well, I have neglected to mention a very exciting and fast-approaching event for Erik & I. One week from today we will be lounging on the beaches of Maui!

I haven't posted about it yet partly because there has been so much other stuff to post about, but also partly because there is some guilt associated with going on a vacation: the cost, the reality of leaving kids behind, the worry that we're being too frivolous... But, it's time to make it known that we are, in fact, going on a vacation! Erik and I have never done anything like this (just the two of us) and this year seemed like the year to do it. The timing works well since our kids are at a good age to leave with Grandma & Grandpa.

I can't even imagine what it's going to be like to be childless for a whole week: to sleep when I want to and throw all schedule out the window! I'm sure I will miss the kids like crazy, but right now I am getting anxious for a break :)


  1. i think all the moms out there can totally understand you!!!
    you really deserve a break after this past year and all the things that happened!
    i´m sure micah and keziah will love this "gran-time"!
    have fun!

  2. I know we've been over this, but I'll tell you again...I can so totally relate to everything you wrote in this post :) You are going to have an amazing time!!! I'm so excited for you guys! Hooray for hubby/wifie time!!!!!

  3. i have a sneaky suspicion that as soon as you hit the beach, all those worries will fade :) Well, maybe not ALL week, but I'm sure you will have a GREAT time!!!!

  4. i know what you mean, about the guilt, which is why we keep postponing the holiday we have wanted to take for 2 years. But I think we all deserve it and I agree, once you are there, you will enjoy every minute! and the kids will have a blast with the grandparents. It works out nice for them since they don't even have to really leave there own home!

  5. I can imagine the guilt but ooooh how wonderful to be able to go and have a little time off. Have a great time! I am wee bit jealous ;-)

  6. Wow! How awesome! I am very jealous of you guys. I hope that this vacation is exactly what you need/want.

  7. after all you guys have been through over this last year, I think you TOTALLY deserve this getaway! I'm SO excited for you... as well as a bit jealous too :) that Maui sun is going to be divine! i hope you guys have an absolutely INCREDIBLE time!!

  8. I have memories of my parents going to Hawaii when I was little, and us kids getting to stay with relatives for the week, and it was so fun! And I knew that my parents were investing in their relationship, which is so important. SO glad that you and Erik get to have this trip. I pray for a peaceful heart, and so a week filled with refreshment, fun and relaxation.

  9. oh jamie, that's so awesome. you will LOVE your time with just erik. and time to rejuvinate, relax and bond.


  11. Don't feel bad! Great mom's deserve breaks too :)

  12. I can understand the guilt but at the same time you and Erik need to have sometime for each other. Enjoy the deserve it!!! Your kids will have a wonderful time with grandparents and when you come back you are going to refreshed and revitalized for your kids.
    Now, I just wish I could come too!

  13. Im sure you will have a great time and that the kids will be just fine!!!

  14. Oh, Jamie it sounds wonderful!! Enjoy your time away with your hubby and although you will miss the kiddies, you know they're in good hands, which makes all the difference.

  15. WOW!! So excited for you! You totally deserve this break. Hope you have a fantastic time!

  16. Woohoo! I am SO excited for you!!! I've been to Maui a few times - it is AMAZING!!! Where are you staying? Definately go to Lahaina, definately go up to Makawao, and definately go on a HELICOPTER TOUR!!! We're going again this year in December. Can't wait to see your pictures and stuff. Happy travels!!!

  17. Oh, and have dinner at Roy's, and make sure you leave room for a chocolate souffle for dessert. I'm serious.

  18. Is Keziah off of the bottle? What did you give her on the plane to suck on?

  19. GOOD FOR YOU!! How exciting for you and Erik. Enjoy every single second of it!!

  20. You don't really know me, I'm your friend Lori's friend. My husband and I are also going to Maui in six weeks and leaving our two kids that are about the same age as yours with grandparents. Where are you staying when you go? It'll be great to hear how your trip went when you get back, I hear you about the cost involved, crazy;) Hope you have a great time though, every mom needs a vacation without kids and you're not allowed to feel any guilt either! God Bless,

  21. Have a great time Jamie - no schedule sounds wonderful:D I know what you mean about the guilt thing. I feel bad enough when Eric and I leave Kyra for a weekend! Definitely looking forward to the pictures when you get back.

  22. Oh, this is so exciting Jamie! Have so much fun, and enjoy the child-less time..I'm sure it will fly by!!! Can't wait to read all about it!
