Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Good Day :)

Today's been a good day thanks to my re-introduction to caffeine! I have been off of coffee since I started getting morning sickness - the thought wasn't appealing at all! But, as a result, I was suffering through the exhaustion associated with the lack of caffeine. This morning while we were visiting with Mel & Easton, I decided to have a cup and it has done wonders for my day!! For the first time in awhile I didn't feel like I needed an afternoon nap and it's amazing what you can get done when you have that amount of energy. The nausea also seemed a bit more manageable today which is good. Could it be I am reaching the end of this dreadful phase???

A rare happy sibling moment after naptime.

We have another bit of news that will mean some changes for us in the near future. Erik and I bought a townhouse and we'll be moving in the next few months! We have been living in Erik's parents' basement suite for 5 years now and it will be a big adjustment for us and for the kids to live in our very own place. We also feel the need to have a bit more space than we do. The townhouse isn't huge, but we'll have 3 bathrooms and 2 storeys, so it seems like we'll be able to spread out a bit more :) We have to give up some things - like the big beautiful backyard we are so accustomed to. And I think it will be very strange for the kids not to have their grandparents so close-by. Hopefully they will adjust well to a new home. We will be moving in mid-November at the latest, possibly sooner. So, I'll keep you posted on how all of that goes.

We've enjoyed some hot summer weather in the last weeks...

What a cute little tushie.

Erik & Micah decided to have their long-awaited treehouse sleepover on Saturday night. Here's Micah & I enjoying some popcorn and a movie:

When I was about to go to bed at 10 I noticed that Micah & Erik were still up. A few minutes later Erik came in and said that there were giant spiders crawling everywhere and there was NO way they were going to sleep in there! I don't know if the spiders were attracted to the candles they had lit or if the treehouse is just their regular nighttime hang-out, but I don't blame them one bit for coming in. They still had a blast and ended up finishing their sleepover on Micah's floor.

What we do for fun at our house:

Before I found out I was pregnant, I had intentions of using the month of August to potty-train Keziah. She's only 20 months, but she has a fascination with the potty, so I thought she might be ready. But once my morning sickness started, I realized there was no way I had the energy for it. Anyway, the other day Keziah was saying "poop" which she only says after she's gone poop. But her diaper was empty so I thought I'd try putting her on the potty. After a few minutes there was no action so I asked her if she wanted to get off and she said "no!" and clung to the sides of her potty seat. She ended up peeing, but still didn't want to get off. I left the room and when I came back a few minutes later, she had pooped! I wiped her and then she was ready to come off! So it seemed like she knew it was coming and was waiting for it. I debated starting the process that day, but I really didn't think I could be consistent with it right now. And if we're moving soon, that would likely disrupt the whole process anyway. But it would be great is she stays familiar with the sensation of pooping on the potty since I know that it can be the hardest part for some kids. It definitely was an issue with Micah.

Micah snapped this picture of me on Sunday at 9 weeks. The belly is already starting to grow...!


  1. CONGRATS on the purchase of your first home! That is super exciting. Praying that the moving during your pregnancy will go smoothly and that the kids transition well.
    You're looking fabulous by the way! That last picture is beautiful! Micah is quite the photographer already :)

  2. so glad to hear the news about the new place! That'll be so great to have a bit more room to spread out once the baby comes :)
    LOVE the little tushie pic - so cute!
    and the video is just hilariously priceless! I love it :)
    and major wow on Keziah's interest in the potty. Sounds like when you're ready to train her, she'll be rarin' to go :)

  3. I love the prego picture. You look great.
    I can't wait to live near you. I wonder how close it will be?
    Will Micah miss his tree house?

  4. Congrats on buying a home! You are looking great - hope all the packing goes well! Where is the townhouse?

  5. the video of the kids&their dad playing is great....
    i´m kind of jealous that you were able to buy a townhouse!i´m longing for more space and for our "own" home, but i guess that has to wait a bit....
    oh, and i really like the dress you´re wearing on the last picture..

  6. How exciting to get your own place! Busy days and months at your house. Missed you guys (and everyone else :) at playgroup today. We had a good time, just my boys and me. Hope you feel well again soon.

  7. Fun game! I can see how the kids would love that. You look great in that last picture and I hope that your morning sickness will be over soon.

  8. Congrats on becoming homeowners! That's exciting:) I'll be praying that the kids adjust well and you're fully over this sickness period before you have to move.

    Keziah definitely has a cute little tushie:) The video of Erik and the kids is awesome - funny the things we'll do to keep our kids entertained and laughing:D

  9. Congrats on becoming homeowners! That's exciting:) I'll be praying that the kids adjust well and you're fully over this sickness period before you have to move.

    Keziah definitely has a cute little tushie:) The video of Erik and the kids is awesome - funny the things we'll do to keep our kids entertained and laughing:D

  10. That video is hilarious!! Congrats on the new townhouse... yay!! :)

  11. Way to go Keziah! ezekiel is at a similar stage, always announcing pee & poop and sometimes leading me to the toilet for him to sit on it. he has yet to do any deposits in either the potty or toilet; and i do not have the energy to actual train him right now. so i'm just going with him getting familiar with the process.

    congrats on the new home :)

  12. you are so cute pregnant (and not). Congrats on the town home! It feels so good to own your own place. Paint it... repaint it.... but it sucks when you can't call the "managers" and have them repair the washing machine! can't wait to see more pics. Your kids are soooo cute! The need to play with their friends, Jake and Livi......... need anything from the prairies? I think your dad is working for my dad this fall.

  13. Congrats on the new townhouse!! That's super exciting! :) And love seeing the pics of your kids-looks like they're having a great time!

  14. Yay for a new townhouse, yay for Keziah's potty training progress, yay for coffee and yay for feeling better!! Great post and awesome pictures!

  15. My first thought too was, Oh what about the treehouse! Sad you'll have to leave it but good it's in G'ma and G'pa's backyard! And that'll be great having your own place. When I heard you were pregnant I did wonder where you were going to put this one! Glad to see everyone's doing well. Thanks for the blogging tips, I've got another question coming your way soon! The Glen one

  16. You are looking beautiful Jamie. Congrats on the new house. How exciting! All the best as you transition to a new place. I'm glad to hear you have been feeling better with the morning sickness.

  17. HA!! That video is SO totally something that would go on in our house!! And that video could have probably been 35 minutes long, right?? SO very exciting about moving to a townhouse! 3 bathrooms?? WOW! I imagine you only have 1 now? We only have one and with 3 of us using it there are lineups already, makes me want to keep Jayda in diapers for a long while yet ;)

    And you are looking beautiful! Can't wait for the 3rd little toewsie to join your family!!

  18. Thinking of you guys. Lots of goodness in your blog. Congrats on being homeowners. Can't wait to see pictures. And you look so beautiful in that dress : )

  19. yucky spiders!! and yeah for three bathrooms, I remember being SO excited about that when we moved in here, although I wish they were self cleaning.
    do you have pictures of the new place yet?

  20. yippppeeeeee!! a new home! that's so exciting! wish i could come help you pack!
    and Jamie - seriously - BEST.PREGNANT.WOMAN.WARDROBE.EVER!!! super jealous! :)
    love you guys!
