Friday, August 01, 2008



  1. Awsome!! That is so exciting! As soon as I saw the title of the post I had a feeling!

    All these pregnant blogging Mommies almost makes me want another one...

  2. Exciting news! I can't say, as the previous note, that it makes me want another one, but we sure can enjoy other people's babies! We pray for you joy and health and peace as God grows your little one.
    Love, U.Ger & A.Shirley

  3. I knew from the title that is what it the news was (or I was pretty sure, anyway). That is awesome:)maybethat is part of the reason why you fainted on your way to Calgary? Hope you are doing well:)

  4. it may sound weird, but i dreamed about it the other day....
    and i´m hoping that keziah will be more excited once the baby is born:)
    hope you´re having a relaxed 1st trimester!
    god`s bless!

  5. Congratulations!!!! thats great! Hope you are feeling good.

  6. I KNEW it!!! Congratulations Jamie :) This is so'll have to fill us all in as far as due dates, etc :) Micah was so adorable breakin' the news!

  7. I had a sneaking hunch this was coming! :) CONGRATS to you guys! Hope you're feeling good. When are you due!?

  8. That's super exciting news! Congrats, and hope you're feeling well. ( Sheps was just over for a couple days, and we were talking about how cute your kids are.)

  9. ahhhhh! i saw your fb status and came right over!! a HUGE congratulations to you!!!! i'm excited for you to expect & anticipate baby's a totally different experience than the first 2 pregnancies :) all the best! i'll be praying for you!!!

  10. So I saw this as SOON as you posted it, but the video wasn't working, so i figured i'd come back later (though I wondered about the "surprise" title).
    Just read your FB status, and now the video works, so now i'm in the loop!
    YIPPEEEEE!!!! congratulations!
    hope the morning sickness passes soon.
    When are you due?

  11. YAAAAA!!! Congratulations!!!!

  12. how great! micah you did a great job telling your mommy's secret!

    i saw your FB status and came right over. hope the morning sickness doesn't last too much longer.

    all the best jamie!

  13. Congratulations Jamie! That's so exciting - hope the morning sickness doesn't long.
    Good job Micah on delivering the news:)

  14. I still can't access the video but congrats again!

  15. woo hoo!!! i'm very happy for you! i saw the video the other day but didnt have a chance to actually watch it, (oh ya, it didnt work).
    congratulations! i was just thinking/wondering today if you were going to venture on in parenting and try for 3rd ;)
    i look forward to watching you grow and hearing the details to come!

  16. Congratulations - so excited for you guys. Hope you feel better soon - what are the details like due date etc?

  17. Loved the video! So excited for you guys : )

  18. YAY! How exciting! Congratulations!!

  19. Congratulations to you all! I hope you are feeling well and that you are able to have the energy to chase your two around until the addition comes.
    I wanted to tell Erik today (at church) that it was great seeing him up on worship team again. I know that God was praised and blessed by his playing.
    Take care

  20. How exciting! Congratulations, again. Can't wait to hear when this little one is due to arrive. :) Micah looks so proud, and Keziah's world is going to change drastically!

  21. Congratulations! That is so awesome. Hope you are feeling great.

  22. Congratulations!!! I love the video!

  23. i have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting to hear this exciting news! :) so happy for you guys & hope you feel good soon Jamen! :) love you!

  24. How exciting! What a cute way to announce! Hope you're doing well. Congratulations.
