Monday, December 08, 2008

December Fun

My parents are out visiting this week. It's been fun having them here and being able to host them in our new place. The kids have enjoyed having them around too...

Our townhouse complex is across the street from a yard with the best Christmas lights in town. We walked there the other night and the kids loved it! It's impossible to get it all in one picture, so here's a few:

Mom & Dad watched the kids on Thursday night so we could go to our Life Group Christmas party. We have a BIG group this year. Here are all the ladies...

And the guys (minus one). We got a better posed one after this, but this first awkward one makes me laugh :)

On Saturday, Erik and my dad went to get our very first Christmas tree. We got a Home Depot special and it's a beautiful tree! After spending $5 at IKEA to stock up on ornaments, the tree was complete:

On Saturday, the kids helped me bake their birthday cakes for their joint birthday party...

We had the birthday party yesterday (Sunday) with family. The kids were spoiled with gifts. (I'm really loving the new collage options on Picasa 3).

Time for birthday cake! A rare picture with me in it and I feel huge. Erik even thinks I'm bigger than normal - and he's honest enough to tell me so. Good thing I'm forgiving enough to let it slide :)

I used 2 of our favourite recipes for the cakes. Our family favourite Banana Cake recipe for Keziah with crushed oreos on the side and Auntie Elissa's yummy Texas Brownie recipe for Micah, complete with sprinkles and smarties.

The kids have had a couple of late nights and some really early mornings! This was Keziah this morning at quarter after nine...


  1. I was frustrated at Picasa 3 for losing all my pictures, but the collage you made is really great - maybe it has redeemed itself a little! Great post! And, you may be bigger than usual, Jamie, (I don't know!!) but you look so adorable just the same! Glad you guys are having a good week with your parents!

  2. Great tree too! We have a red and white theme for our tree too, and I was just thinking I might need to stock up on some more ornaments. I might have to try Ikea too - $5 you say??

  3. The tree looks GREAT, as do you Jamie! Whether you're bigger than usual or not, you make a gorgeous preggo woman :) Hope you're having a fantastic time with your parents. Happy Birthday to both Micah & Keziah!!

  4. GREAT pictures!!!! so exciting that you got your first tree.
    everyone sure dresses up nice for your Christmas party...I wonder if I could talk our group into that :)
    I saw your parents and Micah yesterday leaving Superstore, but didn't stop them since I don't even know them :)

  5. yep, you do look big! but, you will probably find you will even out near the just get bigger faster.
    mom and dad went at a good time, it is SO cold here right now

  6. How fun that each of the kids had their own cake!

    Thanks for coming out on Monday. That meant a lot to me even though we didn't really chat a ton.

    Have a great Christmas
