Friday, December 19, 2008

White Christmas

It's unusually cold for Abbotsford, but I figure if it's cold, then we might as well have some snow to show for it. Micah has really enjoyed playing in the snow, but our kids aren't really outfitted with proper snow gear. Micah only has rubber boots for his feet. Keziah has some good snow boots (bought on a great sale last year), but she has NO other snow gear. I found Micah's jacket from 2 years ago and layered her with 3 pairs of pants and she seemed to stay fairly warm and dry. I thought of heading to Value Village to stock up on some winter items, but I'm guessing there won't be much there since every other person in Abbotsford will probably have the same idea.

There's not a ton of snow, but we were lucky enough to get a big pile right outside our door after the snow plow came through our complex the other night. The forecast says we will be getting more of the white stuff this weekend so hopefully it will stick around until Christmas.

The other night I was trying to keep the kids occupied while Erik had an early hockey game. Those evenings alone with the kids always seem endless. But, we got into colouring and Micah surprised me with his sudden ability to draw people. He seemed surprised by this sudden ability as well and has been drawing like crazy ever since:

Keziah has been doing alright in her "big girl" bed. She is still playing for a LONG time before she settles down to sleep, and then usually ends up in a position like this one:

Last night we made the attempt to get the kids to sleep at Grandpa & Grandma's house. This is something I'd like them to be able to do now that we no longer live there. That way we won't have to always leave the family get-togethers early to make it home for bedtime. It was a bit interesting since we put the kids in the same bed. Micah eventually fell asleep around 9:30 and Keziah never did fall asleep there. We'll keep working at it though and hopefully they'll get accustomed to it.

Erik is finished up a job today and will work a few days next week hopefully. Work has been slow for him here so if you think of us, pray that some consistent jobs will start to flow in - if not right away, then at least after the Christmas season. And you can also pray for my nephew, Noah - he had emergency surgery yesterday and now it looks like he'll be spending Christmas in the hospital.


  1. That doesn't look too comfy sleeping in that position - lol. Yay for snow for you guys! I can't imagine not having much snow for Christmas - so I hope for your sake it can stick around for a bit. Praying for Noah.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I made a grammar mistake - that is why I deleted it. I love the pictures on this post. People drawings, snow outfits, and Keziah's sleeping position - perfect.

  4. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! Another year is passing with good blogging friends who played a special part in our lives! Thank you

  5. yes, we had the same value village thought for Taeya, but now i might hit Superstore and see if we can find some snow pants for her - we have everything else (some great winter boots, borrowed, thankfully).
    I'm very impressed with Micah's person-drawing abilities - WOW!
    Love Keziah's sleeping position. HOpefully she gets adjusted soon :)

  6. those stick people are pretty nice! I hear it was unusually cold for you guys. You wouldn't believe the snow that we just got, and did I mention the -50 with the windchill?

  7. I LOVE that first picture of the kids by the window. Absolutely beautiful! The Glen one

  8. Ha, ha!! I so clearly remember the day both Maddy and Olivia started to draw people. Maddy's looked very similar to Micah's...just a body and these crazy long legs. Keep those pictures, you'll look back on them later and laugh! It's so amazing when our kids learn new skills!
    By the way I took your "video tour, and your house is just beautiful! Congratulations!

  9. lol, Laura - I know what you mean about the long legs, but I think the "talon-like" feet are even funnier :)

  10. Here I have been so excited to come back to BC's weather without the cold white stuff and the really cold weather. Is the temp. cold there? I was planning on leaving my son's winder stuff here but I guess I better bring it along just in case, eh?
    I love how Keziah ends up sleeping. I'm sure I'll see positions like that in the Spring when I try to transition my little man to a big boy bed.
    I have been thinking about you guys in regards to Erik's work and we'll continue to do so.
    Have a great Christmas.
    Oh, and we'll be thinking of Noah too.

  11. The kids look so sweet all bundled up like that :) And your place looks fantastic by the way! I saw your video the other day, and you've done a fabulous job on all the reno's. Hope you guys have a great Christmas!
    Thinking of Noah and praying for God's protection over him!!

  12. I'm not sure if you've been told this before, but you have some of the neatest ideas for how to take photos. I'll have to do what you did with the picture in the foreground with one of the kids drawing in the background...very neat. Micah's people are REALLY good for his age. Pretty exciting to watch isn't it? Wishing you a blessed, very Merry Christmas!
