Friday, February 06, 2009

My Do It

We had lots of plans last weekend but ended up staying home the entire time because of the flu. Micah got hit with it on Saturday and then Erik on Sunday. Keziah had already had it the week before. I made Micah a little sick bed on the floor and Keziah insisted on sitting this close to him. I think Micah felt too lousy to argue.

So far I've managed to steer clear of the flu, though I was certain I was getting sick on Tuesday. It turned out to be nothing and it actually felt more like morning sickness than anything else since I felt better after I ate. I remember having the flu at the end of my pregnancy with Keziah and it was NOT fun, so I'm hoping I'll stay healthy this time around.

We dug out all of our baby stuff this week and the kids have loved all the new "toys" :) Keziah, especially, has been enthralled with everything from the burp cloths to the soothers.

Cousin Caleb smiling at Keziah...

We've been spoiled with beautiful weather this week. I even wore flip-flops for the first time yesterday! On Wednesday, the kids and I finally checked out the playground in our complex and it confirmed my recollection of it not being very preschooler-friendly. There is sand/gravel everywhere and no real safe way for either of the kids to climb up to the top. And when Keziah tried going down the curly slide, she went way too fast and ended up flipping around and whamming her nose into the side.

We stayed for a little while and then decided to get in the van and drive to our regular park.

In the last month, Keziah has hit the terrible twos. Hardcore. She is SO much more stubborn and independent than Micah was at this age. I hardly know what to do with her. She is so insistent on doing things herself and I hear the phrase "My do it!!" about 100 times a day. The worst is when she can't actually do what she sets out to do and then whines even louder, "Mommy do it!!", so I try to help her and she goes back to "My do it!!!!" I find myself getting into verbal arguments with her and I have to stop and remind myself that she's 2! I need an extra dose of patience for her these days. Other than "my do it", the phrases I hear most frequently from her these days are "read a book Mommy!" and "Mommy, hold me!" I need to prepare her for the days when Mommy will be holding and feeding and caring for a new baby because right now I'm pretty sure Keziah thinks she's the only baby around here!

Cute bum crack.

I registered Micah for preschool last week at Mountain Park Preschool. We got to meet his teacher and he played with some other kids while I filled out the forms. I even met another mom that I know through a friend and we realized that our boys will be in the same class.
When we talk about preschool, Micah is cautious and quick to remind me that it's still 9 months away (I'm trying to explain that now it's only 8 months away...). But, judging by how much he loves Sunday School these days, I'm optimistic. The biggest fear for Micah seems to be new situations and new people, so once he gets into a routine, I don't expect him to have any problems.

Otherwise things have been pretty regular around here. This morning was the first rainy day we've had in... forever. But now the sun is actually peeking out once again!

Tomorrow I will be 34 weeks, so we're 6 weeks from the due date! I saw my doctor yesterday and talked to him about all the contractions I've been having - painless, but frequent. Even now as I write, my belly is tightening. He wasn't concerned but thought maybe it might mean I'll have this baby a little earlier. I really want to believe him, but I know how that turned out for me last time. I had lots of contractions with Keziah too and I ended up having to get induced. So, time will tell. I am seeing him every 2 weeks now and will get my cervix checked at my next appointment.

I've also signed up to have a TWU nursing student follow my pregnancy since my due date lands during their spring semester. I'll meet her for the first time next week. It won't involve much, other than meeting her once before and once after the baby comes, as well as having her accompany me to one of my prenatal appointments.

Micah helping out around the house:

Micah saw this picture of himself sitting in the toy box and decided to re-create it. This was taken in Nov/06, a month before his 2nd birthday:

He looks much bigger now!


  1. awww, poor micah :( i hope it's done in your house now!
    the "my do it" phrase was pretty common around here, but maybe in a less stubborn/demanding way? taeya would just want to try something and the "i" never made it into her grammar :)
    i pray you are granted extra doses of patience with her in those days where it is evident she is two ;)
    and i hope the last 6 weeks go faster, or end up being actually shorter than 6 weeks :)

  2. i hope you're in the clear of the flu..that would be no fun at all.

    i'll pray for patience too with Keziah.

    have fun getting all your baby stuff together!

  3. keziah sounds alot like liam. He would constantly say 'me do it!' and it would drive me nuts. It does get better when they are older, because they can actually do the things but it is still frustrating at times.
    Micah will love preschool once it arrives. I was so hesitant about Liam before he started and he loves it. He gets so excited about the little things it is so cute, he can hardly wait to hand out his valentines.

  4. Been thinking a lot about how your morning was. Did Micah sleep in or not?
    Is. is hitting his two's too. He LOVES the word, "no" and does anything he can that he shouldn't just to get a reaction. Today my patience was running thin so Trev took him for an adventure to Costco and I cleaned my kitchen. :0)

  5. I'm not a big fan of sandy parks either. I hate it actually. We're such city moms, hey?!

  6. Oh, that sucks to have to deal with the flu - especially in little ones! Jared got it here last week, but neither 1 nor the kids did, so I was thankful for that. The kids do just have some colds though - which I could do without! lol
    Wow, things are gettng close to baby time - that is so exciting! I can't wait to experience that again! Have fun getting all the baby stuff out and organized!

  7. Oh, that sucks to have to deal with the flu - especially in little ones! Jared got it here last week, but neither 1 nor the kids did, so I was thankful for that. The kids do just have some colds though - which I could do without! lol
    Wow, things are gettng close to baby time - that is so exciting! I can't wait to experience that again! Have fun getting all the baby stuff out and organized!

  8. Flip Flops!? Lucky girl! That's awesome! I can't wait for spring to arrive here! Anyways, I hope you steer clear of the flu too! Hope your week is GREAT!
