Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ready for Church

This past Sunday we went to The Life Centre church so that Erik could play drums for his brother Doug. Instead of having to rush to be at our church for 8:30, we had until 11:00 before the service started. So, I took the opportunity to take pictures of the kids in something other than their "play clothes" :)

Keziah isn't complete without her "dee dee" (a.k.a. blankie) ...

This "shirt" is actually a 12-18 month dress. I really wanted Keziah to wear it for church but she complained that it was too tight. I knew it would still fit, so I told her she could have a chocolate kiss if she put it on. She was happy to oblige!

Yep, sometimes bribing is necessary for the sake of cuteness.

And I had to include this picture of what Keziah's hair looks like "post piggy tails". This is how she came downstairs after her nap yesterday (Monday). She had managed to get her own slippers on and brought with her a book and her stuffed mouse from Granny(which, by the way, is her favourite stuffed animal, mom!)


  1. oh.my.goodness.
    those two are ridiculously cute.
    i say try squeezing keziah into that shirt til she's 8. and the boots--so fun dressing little girls!! the pic of them arm in arm is so sweet.

  2. They are so cute, and I love the pigtails. So glad she likes the mouse. mom

  3. Heehee, such cute pics Jamie!

  4. SO cute! I also have a size 2 "dress" that I put on Abbie as a shirt - so fun :)

  5. Wow..Miss Keziah has really grown up suddenly. I love her hair up in pig tails like that. I love her dress, too!! The kids are adorable, Jamie!

  6. haha, that's one of my FAVORITE things to do - go into the baby section & find Kamryn "shirts"! but yep, same issue - gotta squeeze her in sometimes, but it's worth it to get a cute outfit! :) and i keep having to remember that you are in your own place now!! when you wrote that K came "downstairs" from her nap - i was like, what? she naps at Grandma's house? so confused, but i figured it out! :)

  7. Man, I hate it when kids are trendier than me!! :)
    The Glen one

  8. haha Jen - yeah, she's trendier than me too... especially right now :P

  9. OH wow, your kids are SO cute! Micah looks like a little man and Keziah is ever so cute in her "shirt". Cute!!

  10. Those pcitures are so adorable!!!!!!!

  11. Your kids are so cute! I love the after picture of Keziah! That is some awesome hair!

  12. so SERIOUSLY cute!!!!! i love the pictures of K & M outside holding hands. and i LOVE keziah's outfit!
    very cute hair ;)
