Tuesday, March 10, 2009

38 weeks, 3 days and counting

I went to my doctor's appointment today hoping he might check me for dilation, but he didn't think it was necessary yet at this point. It was disappointing since I was really curious to know if I had progressed, and whether he could sweep my membranes to try to get things going. When he mentioned that he hadn't slept since Sunday because of delivering 2 babies in the last 48 hours, I decided not to push it. He probably wouldn't have been too keen on the potential of having another delivery in the very near future. He said he will do a membrane sweep at my next appointment though - which isn't until next Friday, the day before my due date. I'm guessing if it's going to work, the chances are higher of it working then, when things are a little more ready! I'm just praying that I won't make it to 41 weeks!! I really don't want to still be pregnant when my Mom gets here.

One good thing from my appointment was learning that I had lost one pound!! I gain a crazy amount of weight with each pregnancy and so I was pretty pleased to see that the weight gain has finally stalled!


  1. I came on to see if you had the membrane thing done or not. I am sad for you as I wanted to hold that baby this week. I guess my prayers didn't work, eh? :0)
    Hope you find things to keep busy with until your next appointment.
    We had so much fun with you two no Monday and hope to do it again some time.

  2. Well, I'm sure you know of all the OTHER methods of self-inducing labour. :) What I think helped me was raspberry leaf tea, and well... you know... hanging with my hubby.

  3. Hope the baby comes soon for ya!!

  4. oh jamie... i totally understand how you feel. it would have been great to have the doctor check you but at least not knowing is a little less discouraging that being checked and possibly finding that you have not made any progress. hoping he comes out soon (i am sure you are having a boy :) not sure if it is true but the nurse in my dr's office said that when you start LOOSING weight the end is near.

  5. i always lost weight the last week as well, especially with Aidan.
    I still think it is a boy....but I did have a dream recently and you had two girls in it (meaning Keziah and another) so who knows! I just wish i could take his newborn photos.

  6. With Myra I remember for the last month, waking up and crying every morning cause I was so disappointed that I was still pregnant. At 41 weeks they changed my due date so that I was 40 weeks and I had to wait yet another week and a few days before she was born. It sucked. I totally feel for you and am hoping with you that you won't have to wait that long. :D Hang in there!

  7. Hi Jamie...There are somethings that can speed his (b/c you keep saying it's a boy) delivery!! Castor oil..long walks...ATV/bumpy car ride...lol..I am sure you have heard them all! I am sorry he wouldnt do anything..maybe he will come this weekend? Hope all is well:)

  8. Hopefully this will happen SOON! Looking forward to seeing new baby pictures. Praying all goes well.
