Friday, March 20, 2009

Doctor Visit

Tomorrow is my due date. I went to see my doctor today hoping for some good news. Unfortunately baby is still high (-4 station), my cervix is only 20% effaced and 1 cm dilated. A little disappointing since I've been feeling cramps, contractions and pressure for many days already. My doctor said my cervix was soft, though, and he was still able to do the membrane sweep. So, I'm left feeling more crampy but not necessarily optimistic. He was already talking about induction at about 41 weeks. I really wanted to avoid that, but at the same time I'm glad he's willing to induce after only a week since that will still give my mom some time to be here after baby comes.

I also know that all this dilation/effacement talk doesn't necessarily mean anything. Here's hoping that baby will decide to surprise us in the next few days!


  1. I hope the baby (a boy, in my opinion) makes a surprise arrival. well, i guess it can't be TOO much of a surprise, since you know it's coming and all, but you know what i mean, hopefully :)

  2. sending some prayers from overseas:)

    hoping that this little one make it's appearance over the weekend:)


  3. Jamie, I hope you have the baby before Kathy comes. She would be such a help and it would be so much fun for the grandkids to do things with her when you spend time with the baby. Hope it happens SOON!!!

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jamie. God knows the perfect time for this little one to come - praying that time is SOON!

  5. hoping that everything goes well!!!

  6. Thinking of you often! Here's to hoping baby decides to come soon and that the membrane sweep is successful.

  7. Though I know and trust that God has the perfect time for this baby to arrive I do pray it happens soon for you. Praying for you and thinking about you lots!

  8. come on baby, Cassidy wants you to name her Rosetta from Tinkerbell (I actually am leaning towards a girl right now.)

  9. Hi,
    Dilatatin may not mean anything at this point but effacement does. The more you are effaced, the quicker the dilatation once you are in labour and according to 10 years 0f OB experience (including labour, delivery, and babe care after deliver), the faster it will be. If you go into labor naturally, you probably will have your quickest delivery and your largest babe. I'm still leaning towards a girl. Here's praying you will just have a 4-6 hr labour.
    Auntie Bertha (retired RN) PS Have even delivered a few babies myself.

  10. Waiting anxiously for some news!!! This baby will be hear before you know it. Kailyn is rooting for it to come on her birthday (Wednesday)!!
