Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Catching Up

It's getting hard for me to keep up with the blog these days. I've got pictures piling up and no time to post them! So, here is my attempt to catch up a little bit...

Silas is over 2 weeks old now and I think we're adjusting quite well. I'm really enjoying most aspects of the baby phase - it's fun to have a newborn around again - but the hard part is the time it takes away from Micah and Keziah. I go through my days struggling with the inevitable "mommy guilt" - Am I giving them enough focused attention? Am I letting them get away with too much? Am I being too hard on them? Are they getting enough stimulation?

Keziah is definitely giving new meaning to the terrible twos - she can be extremely stubborn and particular about things. She's been spending quite a bit of time on the "naughty step" these days... And Micah is definitely needing more stimulation throughout the day. I think if preschool started right now he would be ready for it, but now we'll have to wait until September. I hear the words "I'm bored" several times throughout the day.

Micah has been a little rough with Silas a couple of times - I think as a way to get our attention. One day he decided to just pick him up all on his own. Good thing we were close by and stopped him before he got too far! And the other day Silas was in the baby swing and Micah decided to give him a BIG push. Silas toppled forward onto the floor but was surprisingly unharmed. The swing is very low to the ground and it was partly my fault for not buckling him in (though I don't think the buckle would've stopped him from toppling considering the angle Micah pushed him at!) Erik sent Micah to a time-out and disciplined him quite harshly. When his time-out was over and Erik went to talk to him about what happened, Micah started bawling. I think it finally sunk in that he could've really hurt Silas. It's probably good that he felt so guilty, but it was also heartbreaking to see him feeling so bad!

Keziah would probably smother Silas if I let her. Sometimes when I'm trying to feed him she's practically crawling on top of both of us so she can shower him with kisses. Everything he does elicits the same response from her: "He's so tute!"

The nights have been going alright so far. Silas is usually up twice to eat but generally sleeps straight through between feedings so I can't really complain. He had one night of waking only once and I keep hoping he will do it again but so far there have been no repeat performances :) The last few nights he's woken up at 2 am like clockwork (after sleeping a 4 hour stretch) but then wants to get up every 2 hours after that. I find sometimes that I start feeding him before my foggy brain can even compute how much time has elapsed from the last feed. So last night when he got up again after a 2 hour stretch I walked with him and sat in the rocker until he fell back to sleep. Hopefully we can get him out of that habit, though giving him a quick feed is awfully tempting so I can get straight back to sleep!

I am certain that Silas smiled at me the other day. I know it would be really early for him to do this at just 2 weeks, but Erik even thought he saw him smile. He gave us a few "smiling" looks" over the weekend, but no matter how much we coo over him now, we haven't seen that look for a few days...

I've been reflecting on how my parenting style has evolved from 1st baby to 3rd. With Micah I had absolutely no schedule. I fed him when he cried and had no game plan to get him to sleep through the night. With Keziah, I implemented more schedule and tried some different things before finding what worked for us. This time around I feel like I've finally figured it out. I kind of feel like Micah and Keziah were my practice babies, and this time I get to do it the "right" way from the start - ha ha.

Anyway, onto the Easter festivities... It was neat for us to talk with Micah about the Easter story this year and watch him start to grasp some of the concepts. I think his awareness of death and life relates a lot to his Uncle Nathan so when we explain that Jesus died but didn't stay dead, he seems to understand how extraordinary that is.

Easter didn't go by without a few treats, either. I made a little Easter egg hunt for the kids in the house. They loved it and we've had fun playing Easter egg hunt every day since! Thankfully the kids don't mind that the eggs no longer have candy in them - I guess they still like the thrill of the hunt! They also got to colour and decorate eggs and have another hunt at Grandma's house on Sunday.

Sorry Silas, no candy for you this year... Mommy has eaten enough for the both of us (thanks to my insatiable hunger!!)

Because of Micah's perpetual boredom and some really nice sunny weather, I finally ventured out to the park with all three kids yesterday. I've been putting it off, but it really was quite easy. In fact, it's probably easier now than it will be in a few months when Silas won't sleep just anywhere.

So, once he was fed, we headed down to Delair park. Silas slept the entire time...

Keziah's hair is finally getting longer. I'm not sure how long to let it get before I trim it... I think I'll wait a little bit longer.

Checking on her baby brother.

I used to convert my single stroller into a double, and now I've figured out that I can convert my double stroller into a triple! That is, as long as everyone is getting along and doesn't mind being a little squished...

Well, I'd better stop there - considering it's taken me 3 days to finally finish this post!


  1. I love reading your updates!! Your children are so cute!! We are also looking for ways to stimulate our kids more...let me know if you find some good ideas! lol

    Blessings with you new bundle!!

  2. I love the photo of Silas in the stroller all bundled up at the park! He is too cute! I'm glad three is going well - makes me believe I can do it too! And, if you're feeling strong enough to push three heavy kids in the stroller, then you must be recovering well! That's so great! Thanks for the update, Jamie!

  3. Great to hear an update and see your little munchkins! Cute pictures! I love the one of Silas sleeping soundly in the stroller. Glad you guys are settling well, as a family of 5. Thinking of you guys!

  4. such cute pictures of all the kids - of course, the ones of Silas are just precious.
    good on ya for taking all three to the park on your own!!! :)

  5. now you know why I don't have time to blog often. Three kids is lots of work!

  6. Jamie, your kids are adorable - all three of them. Great job going to the park with all three! And I know what you mean about feeling like you get to do things "right" from the beginning with your third!

  7. What precious children! Love the "triple" stroller.

  8. Yay! Thanks for taking some time out to update all of us on life with 3. :) I know you must be tired, and BUSY. I'm so curious to hear what the "right" type of baby schedule is - maybe I wouldn't have to wait until baby #3 to get it down-pat!

  9. Wonderful blog. Thanks for all the pictures. Shirley
