Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Zits & Timbits

I couldn't resist the title when I realized that 2 of the things I want to blog about actually rhyme... :P

Let's start with the zits. Silas has the worst case of baby acne of any of my kids. It was so bad when it first broke out that we worried that it was something more serious. But, it's only been on his face and chest and it already seems to be fading away, so I'm quite confident that it's just a bad case of pimples. Someone told me that when breastfeeding Moms eat strawberries (or straw-ba-berries as Keziah would call them) it can make it worse. This makes a lot of sense since I'm probably eating more of them now than I did with my winter babies.

It's hard to see it well in this picture, but you get the idea...

However, I'm glad to report that Zit-Boy has started smiling at us more this week! I'll try to get a video or picture of his little grins, but here he is looking quite cute on his change table yesterday morning giving me a pleasant pre-smile look.

Notice the spit-up covered sleeper? He goes through several outfits a day...

I've had 2 FANTASTIC nights in a row with Silas sleeping about 6 hours between feeds. There had been some bad nights last week as Silas fell into a deep sleep at about 8 pm and didn't want to wake for a final feed when I was ready to go to bed. Of course, then he only lasted until midnight or so. But the last 2 nights I've tried to keep him up more, just letting him doze in the living room if he gets really sleepy and then waking him at around 9. I've also added another feed in the evening so he's tanking up on some extra calories before bed. It seems to be doing the trick.

We had another room switcheroo this morning. Silas has been in his own room and the other 2 kids sharing a room. But the room-sharing wasn't going so great. We couldn't put Keziah down until Micah had fallen asleep because she would bug him like CRAZY if he was still awake - climbing into his bed, talking to him, etc. So, if Micah was having a particularly hard time falling asleep, sometimes we wouldn't put Keziah down until almost 9 pm - and then she was often over-tired and unable to fall asleep until almost 10! And Keziah is sometimes able to sleep in, but with Micah waking before 7, she usually doesn't stand a chance.

This morning Erik mentioned the idea of Micah and Silas sharing a room and Keziah having a room to herself. I hadn't really considered this option, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. Initially I decided to wait a few more weeks before trying it, but you know how it is once you get a good idea in your head.... I just couldn't help myself. I spent about an hour this morning switching all the furniture around and right now the kids (minus Micah) are napping in their new rooms. A bonus of doing it this way is that we can make Keziah's room really feminine and girly and the other room can just be all boy! I'm not going to do any major decorating yet though. We'd better see first if this new set-up is going to work!

Now on to the "timbits" portion of the post...

I've been meaning to take Keziah on a Mommy-Daughter date ever since Silas was born. As the middle child, she often seems to get our left-overs. Keziah is testing her boundaries like crazy these days, but I know that a lot of it is an effort to get our attention. So, after a day of giving her time-outs repeatedly, I decided it was time to give her some one-on-one time. So, off to Tim Hortons we went...


  1. Keziah is so cute. How awesome that you had a special date with her.

    Isaiah had bad baby zits at the month old mark for a good month. I felt so bad for the little guy and I was sure glad when they went away!

  2. Hopefully the new sleeping arrangement works out, and eventaully the boys would have shared a bedroom anyway, right? Nice you are taking the time to have some alone time with keziah. I always tried doing that with you kids too. Mom

  3. Keziah looks so happy to have a date with mom!

  4. I'm impressed on a few different levels. First of all, that you were able to move all the kids furniture around to switch rooms-- and only a month and a half after giving birth!!! And secondly, for finding time to do one-on-one dates with your kids amongst life's busyness. Good for you Jamie! You are super-mom ;)

    PS: You're looking really good!

  5. Very curious to hear how the new sleeping arrangements work out. Do you think Micah will sleep through Silas' night waking? Hopefully he (Silas) keeps making those longer stretches at night!
    So cute that you did a date with keziah - no doubt she loved it, and she is just so cute (runs in the family, that's for sure!)

  6. Great idea on the mommy-daughter date! And, such a cute post title! To that from the one post you couldn't even think of a title!! :)

  7. Oh sure just when I have switched my kids into the same room you tell me this! I was not as smart as you and have already bought they bedding so they better figure the new arrangement out! Oh and don't worry about the zit thing, my kids got that too, not the cutest thing but to the mom it never matters hey (just our pride :)

    Your doing a good job mommy

    Janelle W

  8. Keziah is a pure Toews, through and through! Sometimes I'm taken aback at how much she looks like Erik!
    The Glen one

  9. I showed my kiddo these pictures and pointed to Keziah and asked him who it was. He said, "ya-iah." At first I said, "No that's Keziah" but then I remembered that when he says her name it often sounds similar to how he says his own name.

  10. what a special treat for the two of you! must have been a lil holiday:)

    silas is absolutely gorgeous and even though he looks a lot like his siblings, he's having his very own look as well!

    have a great weekend


  11. Thanks for the pictures into your life. I think the bedroom arrangement can work. Sara & Tim shared a room as soon as Tim came home from the hospital. I hope Micah can adjust. You're doing great, being a good mom to each child.
