Thursday, June 11, 2009

Call Us Crazy...

We're about to embark on a road trip of epic proportions - Abbotsford, BC to Boissevain, MB. It's not the first time we've made the trek, but it's the first time we've done it with three kids.

We alternate between excitement and dread.

I've explained to the kids that we're going to be sitting in the car for a long, long, LOOOONG time. Keziah has promised me she won't cry in her carseat.

I'll believe it when I see it.

Keziah doesn't exactly have the best track record for traveling. I can't help but recall last summer's road trip to Radium (which sounds like a leisurely drive across town compared to what we're about to do) and how much crying/whining we endured from her along the way. I'm praying that things will be different this time.

I'm sure Silas will get sick of endless hours in his car seat as well, but I expect he'll still sleep for much of the way. We're not in a rush to get to our destination and we'll have to stop frequently for feeding, potty breaks, etc. So, hopefully there will be enough distraction for everyone!

I'm looking forward to seeing my family (hopefully Nichole & Noah will make it back from Toronto before we have to come home!). I don't think we've been to my parents' farm in the summer since Micah was a baby. And Erik hasn't been back in Manitoba at all since Keziah was a newborn.

Going home to visit is sometimes a little overwhelming as there are so many friends and family to see in such a short time - but hopefully we'll be able to get in some good people-time as well as relaxation-time! And we'll try really hard to bring this nice summer weather back to Manitoba with us!!

And hopefully sleeping arrangements will work out OK on our trip- we've been having a bit of trouble with bedtime lately and Keziah often ends up passed out by her door.

Does anyone have any travel tips for us? We're going to bring a portable DVD player, lots of snacks and we've even been recommended to try kid's gravol :) But we're open to more suggestions!


  1. This may not be very practical for you but we usually travel at night! My hubby is a night owl and has no problem driving all night, as long as he has slept most of the day, the day that we leave. We leave around 6 and the kids fall asleep around 8! It works great for us! Have fun! We are actually driving down to Mission in August for my mom-in-laws birthday!

  2. i hope that your trip goes well and you have a great time!!!!!!!

  3. How are the seating arrangements in the van? For our trip up to Prince Rupert (2 days) in a few weeks, I'm going to sit in the back row with Jaxon as he gets really lonely and really tired of the carseat, really quickly. I find that if I'm right there and can prevent him from getting too worked up, it's a much happier time. Even just holding his hand calms him down. The boys will sit in the middle row bucket seats with the dvd player between the front two seats. There will be lots of movie watching. :)

  4. No advice....but are you coming through Regina by chance?!?!?! We would be MORE than excited to be a possible potty, feeding, play, stretch, sleep...whatever spot for you! Let us know if you are. Oh, and how long are you going to be in Manitoba, since we're coming to BC June 30 - July 14! I hope we don't miss eachother.
    The Glen one

  5. i would recommend a list of games you can play while driving and songs you can sing....i would also recommend driving through the night to make things easier, but it can be a nightmare if the kids aren't sleeping....

  6. I don't have kids but my recommendation would be to fly. Two of them would be free, right? :)

  7. Will be praying for you as you drive out here to beautiful Manitoba!! You'll only be a couple hours away from me! And the weather looks like it is improving, so yes, bring more hot weather with!

  8. We drove to Colorado last summer with the kids - my tips are

    1. Don't bring the dvd player out til you have exhausted all other possibilities
    2. Bring a soccer ball - then at rest stops kick it around with the kids. They burn off some energy, and you get the kinks out from sitting so long.
    3. Bring a bag of 'treats' - small cheap toys and they get one after lunch etc. every day.
    4. 6 hours of driving will take 8 hours with kids - leave as early as you can in the morning or else the days feels soooooo long.
    5. If you are staying in a hotel that offers a continental breakfast stuff a few muffins in your bag - that way if you are between towns and the back seat NEEDS food you have something.

    Have a great time!

  9. Well we made that trip with only one child, but had a fabulous time. We made sure that the day was very scheduled since our boy wonder loves his routines. We got up early before him and had everything packed before we quickly put him in his carseat and listened to music and drove for about 2 hours first thing - muffins/cheese/milk/fruit (we have a portable fridge, wanna borrow it?) on the go. Then we'd stop mid morning for a potty/play/snack break. Next came movie time and play time - I had a basket of toys and activities sorted into big ziploc bags and would exclaim YAY it's puzzle time! YAY it's block time! YAY it's car time! Or whatever activity you choose. We stopped for lunch and play time outside next. After lunch was quiet time - no music or talking or anything. The blankie and suckie and stuffed animal came out and it was nap time. After nap time we would have another snack (we were usually okay to keep driving) and more playtime (YAY it's coloring time!) and then stop for dinner. That was usually our day at that point and we'd have a relaxing evening because we had left so early in the morning.

    Sorry that's so long - but maybe there's a few ideas that might help in there :) You can send me a facebook message if you want to borrow the portable fridge...

  10. we have done lots of roadtrips with three kids. We stopped lots, and the dvd player was a huge help. I had a bag full of unopened dollerstore goodies, and lots and lots of food.
    I don't let my kids drink too much or else we would be peeing every 1/2 an hour between the three of them. As well, we drive through the night.
    Really, the longer trips are often easier then the short trips for us.

  11. Praying for safe travels!!!

  12. Wow! I think it will be an amazing adventure. Can't wait to hear about it when you are home.

  13. I didn't realize you were driving rather than flying. We often stop to let our son march around the car or to find a green patch to play for a few minutes just to stretch.

  14. I highly recommend going to the dollarstore and getting a bag of cheap little toys, balls, squishy things, etc that you can pull out once in a while. Also, Elmers "Go Paint!" stuff is AWESOME if you want a mess-free way for the kids to paint/color in the vehicle. If you will be driving when it is dark and you want to keep the kids occupied if they aren't sleeping, try those little glow-sticks that you just bend to activate - my kids had an absolute blast waving them around in the dark for a good hour! We will be praying for safe and happy travels, and a wonderful time as a family!
